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I feel good, I feel strong...

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You know, it's so nice to be happy for a change!


I was depressed for so long that I didn't think I'd EVER get out of that rut! It's just been ages that I've felt so invigorated and full of life. I feel so different than I have the past year or so. Not sure why I posted this; not like I need help... just thought I'd share how I'm feeling with everyone. Considering all my posts about "wah, poor me", etc., I just had to say how good I've been feeling as of late! I haven't felt this good in years! It's like a breath of fresh air was breathed into my lungs.


This year's going to be a good one; I can feel it already!


(And BTW, I'm not on drugs! lmao Actually, I'm not on anything at all, really.)

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