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Playing hard to get or just not interested any more

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Hello again people


Long story short, i've been dating a girl over the christmas, things has been going quite fast, and we've moved pretty fast to the sexual scene lots of times during our 2 last meetings of ours in the christmas holiday.. she seems into me and such until 1 or 2 days ago.. it seems like she isn't replying sms or something, like the contact has fallen a lot... I just want to know if I should be thinking this is the "just let things go slowly of so I don't have to face the responsibility of it or tell him the truth" thing or it's just because she is busy...


Perhaps the easiest way would be to ask her if she is busy etc, because she doesn't reply the sms (i've only sent like 3 during the last 2 days total, which she hasn't replied).. I guess the reason why i'm so intersted in knowing this is because I feel a lot for her..


Any ideas?


For further info u can read :



if u want to...


yours sincere DD

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I think anyone in a relationship has a right to know where they stand with the other person at any given time. That said, lots of people don't want to be directly questioned about things, because she may in fact just be busy. Then again, if she is interested in you and considerate, she would probably tell you "I'm busy but lets connect later". So if I were you, I'd say something like:


"Hey. I don't want to scare you off or anything, but I've noticed that you haven't been responding to my sms. I know you could be busy and that's cool, but if there was a problem I just want you to know that if you want out of this, it's ok, I'm not going to make it difficult for you. Now, I'm not trying to chase you away or accuse you of anything, and I'm still very interested in continuing this thing, but I know that relationships don't always work out. I really want us to be honest about everything, and if that's the way things are going, it's ok. If you're not wanting out of this, hey that's great and I'm sorry if I came off a bit melodramatic here but I hate not knowing where I stand and lately I'm just a little bit unsure."


Or something like that. You can probably do better than me


I really hope it's because she's just busy but you do not want to be in one of those relationships where she's mentally broken up with you weeks before and is just working up the courage to tell you. She's weeks ahead in her recovery, and you're now trying to figure out what went wrong.

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If you want to invest in a relationship w/ her, it would be good to find out if she can be open and honest with you. Its okay to wonder, and theres no reason why you shouldnt be able to ask. Just keep it short and simple. Dont sound upset or overly concerned. That might scare her off.

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Thanks both of u esp. u reluctant.. It was an awesome advice.. she wrote today telling me that her mobile phone didn't work and she first got my sms today (strange?), and then went about if i was ok and that she was blah blah...


I wrote: thought u were busy or something, or had better things to do. You write when u have the lust or not. I'm glad to hear you're fine, and everything is okay here in Aalborg, i'm just having a cosy time.. ps. If u haven't got any ideas today then we could might see each other?

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