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he said he loved me.... but why is he lying to me? we had so many arguments about that .... i mean every other week or so.... and he IM'd his ex gf calling her "little girl" and he also she should not reply to this, because I may log in in his account

I feel so betrayed, it's like he is been wiping the floors with me (this is a mot-a mot translation, I don't know it that expression exists in english

i mean, why is he doing all those things that hurt me, even if he knows it?

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Hi all,

couldnt sleep. to many thoughts of wanting to call him.. I was so strong before..whats happening? I havent called, I just have a funny feeling my phone is going to ring tonight. I dont know if I can handle not answering. I cant figure out if its making me angry or sad? maybe both. I dont know what the heck I want..sometimes I want him back soo bad and other times I think ugh, why would I? maybe that means Im half way there?

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When his friend was trying to talk to me last night about maybe trying again with my ex he said something along the lines of..see where it goes. I said i wanted something long term ( which the ex already knows) and he said then maybe its not such a good idea. I told him thats my thought exactly!

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he told me he cant give me a commitment right now and i told him that I cant keep seeing him without one..he told me that hes not going anywhere and he wants to be with me but continued to say..we're not dating remember.? ( i said that when we got back together the last time) When we got back together i said we're not dating because i didnt want to be commited to him with out him being commited to me..things took off, better then before even. but yet after a month or so he still mantained "were not dating" I asked him if he would be upset if he saw me out with someone else and he said no..but then followed up with "do it and see what happens" IM CONFUSED

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Yeah understandably your confused, that its totally screwed, so what he wanted was friend with benefits deal right? Thats sucks and I'd never agree to that, nope, you should make sure you tell him to drift, unless he wants something more, that just isn't right or fair to you either.


I understand confusion, bc my thing with Jack has been nothing but confusion, they call some girls drama queen's... well I think he is a male version of this himself...... he wants me to chase him... and I won't do that...... no more..... but I still love him, my heart hasn't caught up to my head yet thats for sure......

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I know what you mean.

when we talked last,which was new yrs eve..i asked him if this was just a sex thing to him and his response was "no, I didnt think it was" continued to tell me he wasnt going anywhere..well i said why would you? you have your cake and eat it too.

yeah, as far as the chasing thing...im not doing it either..he used to get mad about the dumbest stuff and then i would feel bad because i made himmad..wow was i stupid! not doing that anymore...i want to call him and tell him not to call me anymore,but what good would that do/

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Luv, I hear ya, I know but like I said before, I don't think they EVEN KNOW what they want lol ...


Yeah, they wanna keep you on the line, but don't wanna close the door to being able to doing whatever they feel like doing... and that could be ALOT of things.... so its better to stay away for now and assess things, no doubt about it.....

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And as for the making him mad thing, you know Jack did the same!!!! He'd convince me I was wrong till finally I realized it wasn't me it was him...... very manipulative indeed...


Yup.... i hear ya. i just got a call from a friend, one of the mutual friends and she asked me if i wanted to meet her for a beer and i asked if the ex was there and she said he was.. i declined.

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