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I dont think I really posted my story..just bits and parts. All I know is that he put a lot of pressure early on for me to move in with him.. I wouldnt. Its a long ,crazy story. Once he got me to let my guard down things started to go his way and his way only! I put up with this for awhile because I believed that what he was saying was true..he had a MAJOR lifestyle change and he was trying to adapt to it. ( he got full custody of his son after only having him weekends) but in time I realized that the excuses for broken plans ect were never going to stop...soooo Im out..NC.

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thanks sandy.


it's so hard to realize that he definitely wasn't good enough for me because I really wanted him to be. but at least once i get over all this pain it'll be easier to look back and think that at least i'm done with that relationship.


i'm going to my parents house for the weekend and hang out with my family


family is good..and sandy is right...EAT! shave your legs, put on make-up even if your not going anywhere. hang in there!

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family is good..and sandy is right...EAT! shave your legs, put on make-up even if your not going anywhere. hang in there!


haha...you guys are mind readers! how do you know i've been having trouble eating


but i am going to go put on make up right now nothing like looking good to make you feel better!


thanks for the support!!

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Yeah Luv sounds familiar, my ex had custody and then lost custody of his three little kids bc his ex told the childrens aide that he was doing drugs (she went nutz when she found out he was seeing me) and she is bipolar..... she can't have the kids at all, and my ex's brother has them now.....it was all sooo much baggage.


When I think about it, i think he made her crazier than she already was, and if I were to put up with anymore crap id be nutz soon too !!!!! It was at the point she was following me around even after Jack (the ex) lost the kids... she never wanted him till I was around.... then she did again...

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I think my NC is getting to him. last night i went out with friends and he was there...I didnt talk to him, I had my back to him all night long. but get this...he was standing behind me ( I was sitting) and he flicked me in the back of the head. ( kind of hard) I thought it was one of my friends joking around so I turned to say knock it off and it was him...I still didnt say anything. I feel like Im in first grade..ya know when the boy likes the girl so he goes up and slugs her in the tummy! lol I do have to say that it kind of freaked me out tho... he has a past as far as his temper goes..I never saw that side of him...except when we would argue and he would stand over me and yell.

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Yeah Luv sounds familiar, my ex had custody and then lost custody of his three little kids bc his ex told the childrens aide that he was doing drugs (she went nutz when she found out he was seeing me) and she is bipolar..... she can't have the kids at all, and my ex's brother has them now.....it was all sooo much baggage.


When I think about it, i think he made her crazier than she already was, and if I were to put up with anymore crap id be nutz soon too !!!!! It was at the point she was following me around even after Jack (the ex) lost the kids... she never wanted him till I was around.... then she did again...


same here...my ex's son had to move in with him full time because his mother went nuts too....wow! she cant be around him either..only supervised visits at this time.

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haha...you guys are mind readers! how do you know i've been having trouble eating


but i am going to go put on make up right now nothing like looking good to make you feel better!


thanks for the support!!


I have found that putting on make-up even tho im not going anywhere forces me to look at myself in the mirrior..thereforeeee reminding me that im BEAUTIFUL!

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I have such an overwhelming urge to DO something. It's Day 6 for me. I was strong many of the days, but and very weak right now. I want to talk to her, reason with her, maybe even beg. Anything to get her back.


I love her soooo much and miss her sooo much... How can loving someone so much hurt so badly? Love is supposed to be a beautiful thing.

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Unreal Luv......... well Jack the idiot and the nutcase lasted about a week, then she wound up in the Physco Ward.... and now I find out he's moving accross the road.... to friggin much or what.....


my ex never went back to the mother of his son...but she was bringing my name up right before she lost it and went off the deep end. I cant believe he is moving in accross the street..how many days of NC are you? are you worried about him being that close? It would freak me out.

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Well Luv I haven't been keeping actual count, bc i find it kinda counter productive, and also I keep running into him, he actually is trying to make conversation when I did see him over 2 wks ago now, now he is walking bye waving.... talking to my friend upstairs (never was HIS friend) and moving in accross the road.... I'm not worried, I can ignore him I think...... but wondering what his motives are.... surely he must know this is gonna make things kinda weird...... ???????

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I really want to call him..okay,okay so this feeling hits like 1000 times a day. I just want to know why hes acting so weird lately. a friend of his told me last night that he is not being himself, he said its because of me...thats why i feel guilty. I know I shouldnt..he never felt guilty or bad when he was treating me like I was at his beck and call. ugh! I hate this!

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Well Luv I haven't been keeping actual count, bc i find it kinda counter productive, and also I keep running into him, he actually is trying to make conversation when I did see him over 2 wks ago now, now he is walking bye waving.... talking to my friend upstairs (never was HIS friend) and moving in accross the road.... I'm not worried, I can ignore him I think...... but wondering what his motives are.... surely he must know this is gonna make things kinda weird...... ???????


weird? yes!

Im not sure I could handle my ex accross the street.

are we dealing with the same man? lol

my ex has been pulling the whole "trying to make conversation" and "talking to who I just talked too" thing also. he did that last night. ( I was at a bar) everyone I talked to he was right there after I walked away.. he was watching every move I made...so I was told. some guy I didnt even know came up to me and asked me what was the deal, I guess when I went outside to answer my phone my ex about broke his neck to see where and what I was doing...did it make me feel good at the time? yes, but on the other hand it bothered me because it just gets me THINKING again.](*,)

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Luv yeah sounds like the same guy. Jack has been extremely nice, and yeah like you, it makes me feel good to think he hurting some too... I think since everything went to hell with the physco, he's looking for a replacement.... but I won't be anyones second choice either....


I think your ex is trying to get a response from you I think? But you gotta wonder why?

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I have such an overwhelming urge to DO something. It's Day 6 for me. I was strong many of the days, but and very weak right now. I want to talk to her, reason with her, maybe even beg. Anything to get her back.


I love her soooo much and miss her sooo much... How can loving someone so much hurt so badly? Love is supposed to be a beautiful thing.


Im sorry I missed your post...my computer is slooowwww!

Im feeling the same way today alltornup. but dont beg! your not a dog waiting for a scrap to hit the floor. i know easier said then done...

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I'm not giving in, but I can't seem to get my mind to shut it off. Thoughts of making drastic changes in my life in order to get her back. This is going to be so much harder than I thought. I just wish she would come home today and tell me that she made a mistake, that she wants to be with me. Her moving out is sad, but I would be absolutely ecstatic if she would start dating me again after she moves.

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