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Day 1 again.......... My last text to her has not been replied to. After yesterday her telling me she wishes we had talked more lately.


I don't expect much. She loves to ask about my life and when I ask anything about hers... she either backs off, doesn't say anything of substance or just avoids it.. or says "i'm ok" "not a whole hell of a lot"


Took the day off work.. not feeling great. Damn my landlords upstairs are frying some bacon.. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hungry

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Princess! How dare he said that! Remember he only wanted you for your body!


I know I even told him that if that is all that he wants from me then he needs to let me go and find someone that will love me . He told me that he was having a really bad day and was pissed b/c I called his work. So he took it out on me . He said that he never meant to say that crap and that he was very wrong about it and that he relizes that I truly am the best women he has ever had that treated him with respect and truly loves him and that WON'T PUT UP WITH HIS BULL S_________ either and will put it back to him .


Another thing, that is bothering me he tells me that he doesn't want to get married nor move in together but he wants to be together forever. I'm confused ! What is trying to tell me here. Am I that stupid to not know what is he really trying to tell me here. a little help here.

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Don't even try to figure them out. Hike up your worth. Unless he turns up with a wedding ring and says exactly you want to hear from him, don't give in to him.


They say that women says one thing and does another. I think men do it too.


Just only two days after my ex broke up with me he texted and said "you're really ignoring me" and then "i'm in this position all because of myself. this is what i asked for". Yea well, I'm giving him exactly what he asked for and now HE's complaining? Get out of here!

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Don't even try to figure them out. Hike up your worth. Unless he turns up with a wedding ring and says exactly you want to hear from him, don't give in to him.


They say that women says one thing and does another. I think men do it too.


Just only two days after my ex broke up with me he texted and said "you're really ignoring me" and then "i'm in this position all because of myself. this is what i asked for". Yea well, I'm giving him exactly what he asked for and now HE's complaining? Get out of here!



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Things are going ok. I really miss him. I just don't understand how he could cut me out of his life like that. He always told me he didn't know what he would do without me in his life and now he won't even speak to me. I'm feeling really confused and hurt today, but I still think I'm making the right choice. I'm tired of my feelings for him having so much power over me.

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As I set and wondering why. It was sweet love I was given. Never have I felt for another, and been equally hurt. Were was my closure, at least I wanted friendship, but at last the phone hung up followed by I love you. I never had a relationship. And promised I would return the love, but never did until it was to late. Flowers everyday for two weeks straight. I letter of tears to get back what I missed. Only to find it has been offered to another. The myspace, and tv. So I move on, but my heart remains. Throwing away the picture, trashing the gifts, but keeping the good times, to remind me I will share this with another. Who cried during love making. Who Hums as well. I hummed she cried. Nether can admitted why. But I love myself, and well grow by being happy for her and lettering her go. Sorry if this does not go with the post, but it is what came out. I hope everyone gets what they need. You guys are awesome

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well its been one day since contact again.


She tells me she wants to talk more wished we had.. then doesn't return my texts back and forth.


Maybe shes paying me back for not returning the texts for days to her. I hope not becuase I wasn't playing games.. it was just I didn't wnat to text her becuase of how i felt.

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no contact means, no letter during the holidays, even if they are have a nice holiday. right. I mean NC is its over I share love by letting you go. If NC is no contact meaning nothing no emails, hand written letters, teapathic messages. Then I am ready to join the challenge of NC. From this day forth I will send that love to myself. Thanks everybody. bye

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On this thread. I'm officially on Day 20 of NC. Didn't hear from him even on Thanksgiving. I initiated NC, because I just couldn't be friends with him (which is what he wanted), and he said, "Ok, I'll delete your number from my cell." which kind of hurt, kind of didn't because I know he's hurting from this too. He broke up with me because of circumstances (he's 30 years older! YEAP! 30!), and he said he can't be with me. Anyway, I told him that I'd call him when I'm ready, and we could still email each other. He wanted to still be able to email me, just in case there important emails that he could forward to me (we were going to set-up a business together). I agreed, but he hasn't emailed me. I check my email 10 times a day...and I know I will never call him ever. I still miss him, but, I think I'm at a point where I just want to be able to move on.

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I made it two weeks! Day 14 NC It's getting easier I think.


Been following your posts since I found this forum. You are knocking it out of the ballpark. Your pain is evident but your resolve seems stronger. You have inspired me to join and contribute as opposed to being a lurker.


With that said, there are some really great people here. This forum has totally changed my whole perspective on breakups. Wish I would have found it sooner. I, too am going to lay my pain and progress out for the world to see. Hopefully I can be inspiring in some degree to others dealing with grief as so many here have been for me.

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I broke NC to tell her about my nephew since she honestly seem to be concerned he was in teh hospital. Oh that was a bad idea, she later gets into it with me and says, I am glad I talked to my new bf before we broke up, he made me realize i could do way better. This is guy she was cheating on me before we broke it off. To later get into a rebound 2 weeks later. yet she has the nerve to ask me to be friends with her, lol


Stay IN NC!

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