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well it has been since the day after christmas since we spoke and thanksgiving night since we saw eachother...i cant believe how much time has passed i feel somber today because i am so busy i havent really thought about her i miss her i hate that she just walked away



we were supposed to meet last friday to talk and say our goodbyes and cancelled that thank god.......i havent heard anything since although i am getting blocked calls everyday since new years(she saw my friends new years) and i dont know what to think


i guess i gave her the impression that i would get in touch with her after this past tuesdat when i got back in town to set up our meeting......but i am not there is nothing to say...its over


her emails are blocked so she cant send any so she would have to call or write.....



i guess after all this drama i just miss her when we were good......who know what the next few weeks will bring>

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Great work - I know it doesn't feel great, but it is.

You are quite an inspiration to many on here, I'm sure, because most people cannot do what you're doing.

Stay firm and strong - realize you are undergoing change and that things may even feel dull since you are out of the drama scene.


Great job and keep it up!

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I know what your going through...it never fails that after a break up, you tend to only think of the good times. When you should be angry and upset that they have walked away and caused you this pain, you just sit and cry wishing things could go back to how they used to! Been there, did the endless nights of crying questioning why he would do this, and why i deserved to hurt like this. We were so happy at one time, what happened??? I hope it gets easier for you! I know that time heals all, its just getting to that point, and moving through all the pain!

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