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How long before I make a move?


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We're both in highschool same grade, one class together. During the break and even a bit before we started talking a lot. I got her number in a kind of "cheap" way but I still got it (from her) lol. Now I wanna ask her out but at the moment we are really busy with school stuff that we're finishing up before school starts next week.


Should I still ask her out somewhere?

Also we live kind of far away, so I don't really know how we should meet...should I ask her about taking public transit or what because I dont have a car? I don't really know how that's gonna work even after I ask her out...


Another thing...we've been talking for a while now about 3-4 weeks a lot...so how do I make sure this doesn't come off as a friendly thing and more of as a date?


Finally, when we do go out (if we do) should I pay/offer to pay for stuff? Movie tickets etc?


As you can tell I am a complete newbie at this, so please help! Thank you


One last thing i remembered....I dont know if she likes me too because she seems like the type of girl that would talk a lot with ppl but then again phone # and this other interesting convo where we tried to sneak in whether I had a girlfriend or not....or maybe I was just looking too hard??

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ok, well if you like her, and you think she may like you, why not ask her out, make sure you say it's a date, tell her that you like her and would love to take her to a movie and dinner sometime, or something like that.. if youboth don't have cars then it would be understandable to take public transport, or you could just ask to meet her there.. whatever works for both of you

and i think that while personally I couldnt care if i paid for the date, or he did or we split it, i think that since you are asking her out, it would be a nice gesture to atleast offer to pay, if she refuses don't just give it up that easily though, insist again, and if she still refuses then let her pay for herself

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