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The Bad man cometh.

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Do you ever have the feeling that the dark side of you is on the move, that you can feel when its seeking to lash out and harm others.


I dont know why but may last few posts on ENA have not been at that core of the best, thay seem to be harsh and blunt.


I feel like that part of me a lock away wont out and its worrying me.

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Here's one theory....I'm not saying it is the case with you but sometimes if we get really annoyed by a person and feel the urge to be harsh on them, it is because they may reflect an aspect of ourselves that we don't like.



Or it could be plain displaced frustration showing itself in this venue.


As others have asked, is there anything stressful that has been going on lately for you?




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Oh yeah, know the feeling. There is a part of me that scares the daylights out of me. I've seen her in action before and it isn't good.


But Spug, you have yourself together. The way you present yourself here gives me a strong conviction that you would never do anything to actually hurt anyone else with purpose. You are too aware and grounded for that.


So...something must be eating you. If you wanna talk here, that's cool, we'll listen.

If you have another way to take a 'time out' then that might be good.


I hope you feel better soon!

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Well I did as was said and Just joined a Gym, I know whats behind this its the fact my wifes having our 1st kid and shes at that stage where her harmones are all over the place, eating cravings, so its late night trips for me, she crying one moment and barking at me the next. Now I know its just part of her pregnancy, and we have talked about it, she blows her top and then crys saying sorry. No this means I have hold my mouth closed and remember at all times she dos not mean any of this.


Thats why my anger, frustration, negativity is leaking out in other places,

so! down the Gym and beat the pants out of a punch bag.


all togever now "Down at the Y.M.C.A."

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Do you ever have the feeling that the dark side of you is on the move, that you can feel when its seeking to lash out and harm others.


I dont know why but may last few posts on ENA have not been at that core of the best, thay seem to be harsh and blunt.


I feel like that part of me a lock away wont out and its worrying me.

Though I certainly can't speak for others, I for one like it when Mr. Fuglet is naughty!!!

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