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When she asks y do u love me

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it's pretty simple....do you love her too? THEN TELL HER SO. If not, be honest and tell her that you're not sure how you feel. If she's mature, she'll accept this. If not, then you haven't really lost anything if someone wants you to lie about your feelings right off the bat.

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ask her lovingly why she doesn't believe you or think it's enough when you declare your love for her...

perhaps you say it in a too-matter-of-fact or casual way that it doesn't seem sincere...i don't know...just stating possibilities...


it could also be that she would like more attention from you and needs some reinforment that she's still important to you...


as a gal, i like guys to be initiative...and that includes expressing out their love...

doesn't have to be all the time...but a little reassurance now and then is nice...

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Ask her what you have to do to prove yourlove for her. My g/f asked me the same thing i answered back with the qualities that i liked about her. Then she asked that question. She didnt think i was being honest with her. So i said (with no hint of sarchasm or anything other than seriosness) what do i have to do to prove that i love you. She was so taken with my willingness to prove my love that she emidiatly appologized for ever doubting me.

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