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My boyfriend broke up with me on Wednesday and though I'm on a complete emotional rollercoaster - a big part of me won't stop concentrating on when I can get some dvds back from him. We don't have any mutual friends (anymore...there was one but they had a big bust up and there's no way I could go down that route) and neither of us can drive to quickly just drop them off and go - so we're going to have to arrange a time to meet up. And I would leave it until it wouldn't be agony to see him and hear his voice, but the dvds he has are the ones I've always fallen back on when I'm down - the things I watch to remind me to keep searching for my fairytale. It's why he has them - he borrowed them the day we got together so he could know what drives me...if you get my meaning.


So what do I do? I'm not going to contact him. The months before we broke up I was always the one to initiate contact, and the last month especially was ridiculously difficult to do because he would rarely reply or answer his phone or whatever. I couldn't take him ignoring me again (which he has done already - depsite insisting he would answer my questions) and having my heart leap even more whenever I get a new email or text. It's difficult enough persuading myself not to hope he'll call. I don't think I could get back with him - he hurt me too much and made me distrust my own mind knowingly. But I just want to have the upper hand for once - how can I get past him and return to my normal routines for cheering up when he's holding some of the main elements of that away?

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How many DVDs does he have? if it's just a few, just let him keep them and buy yourself new ones of your favorites, or get them from a library...


but if it is many or you can't afford to replace them, then don't turn the exchange into a big deal... tell him to have them ready for you, and go to his apt. and pick them up... it takes 5 seconds to hand them over, and just turn and walk away... if they mean that much to you, then seeing him for 5 seconds is worth it... if not, then just let him keep them and borrow copies from the library or buy new copies when you have a chance.


or why not have him mail them to you?

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I don't think it would be a good idea to actually go over and pick them up or see him face to face.


I agree with the other posts that getting them by mail or something would be best. Maybe you could email him or text him with only the message being that you would like to have them mailed to you and then let that be the end of the contact.

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