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my gut was right ex was there

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good thing i didnt go she sat at the table where i would have been with my friends.....


some things were said that my friend cleared up.....he said she wasnt with any guys just two girlfriends


she caught my friends girl in the bathroom.....and said i heard alot about you...my friends girl says me too......she says well if its from xxxxx(me) then its probably bad because he hates me right now.....my friends girl said no actually he loves you more then anything.......my friends girl said she got all choked up and walked out like she was going to cry


towards the end...she said she thought that i was in florida and my friend said he thought i was home in bed....after som eback and forth he said she basically looked a mess and was going home to bed and kinda just ran out......


he says dont be surprised if she calls you ......i figured if she did love me why not call me or text me when she got home if she was that emotional?

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She may be struggling with something, a decision that is very difficult for her, and she may not have felt she was in a forum to discuss it when surrounded by your friends. Yes, she is troubled, find comfort in that if it's there for the taking, but don't get your hopes up yet. She is probably expecting you to call her after hearing about the interactions last night. She knows they are aligned with you, period.

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well i am glad i didnt go...cause that would have been uncomfortable......i wont call her...even though things transpired she knows i love her...and shes gotta be the one......granted she may have been caught off guard...i think she is struggling with her decision too

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Well, you have some valuable information, BUT you are right, if she wants to make an intentional effort to make it work as a couple, then she can pick up the phone... (that is if she is the one who broke it off in the first place, which I'm assuming) and I have to say, it is so "classy" that you made the self respecting choice to stay home last night, GOOD FOR YOU.


It's so attractive when a man doesn't feel the need to play games or go to a party and act as if he's all good and just having a ball. The confidence it takes to stay home on new years is one that is so enviable, it's so classy, respectful and mature. She knows you love her, and the MOST attractive here is that you are showing the class to love yourself too... you can feel so proud today, that you are taking the time to give her space, and to maintain no contact for today.. that is a wise choice.. give it time, let her have the opportunity to discover authentic feelings for you...

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thank you.......i actually went to dinner with my brother, stopped and had a toast with my secretary and then my friend who talked to her begged me to have some drinks with him......it was a low key night i am glad i didnt go to taht soiree and see her.....

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