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So confused.. Don't know what I want out of life?

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Sigh.. I'm so lost and conflicted right now because nothing is really making sense to me anymore. I just have no purpose on this earth it seems. Everyone just seems so sure of what they want and everyone's doing things to fulfill their dreams and goals. I'm currently 20 years old and still living with my parents.Not in college because I don't know if college is for me. I did horrible in high school, because I was uninterested in the work and I just found high school to be a waste of time for me.I had a job working at Wendy's but I quit because of the managers messing with me and just seemed to get on my nerves.Plus I really hated the job.My boyfriend broke up with me a month ago because of me being untrusting and snooping. He left me alone to fend for myself.He was my only TRUE friend and I lost him, now I'm so alone without him .He's definitely moved on to work on his singing career.


So now I'm sitting here alone pondering what should I do with myself because I really don't know where exactly to go or what I should be doing?I'm really lost and conflicted because everything just seems so bad for me right now. I really would like to be something significant in the world. I don't want to be average.I'm trying to do different things and find hobbies that interest me but nothing every seems to pop up or excite me.I just don't know who I can trust or what to believe anymore.. I'm so depressed right now...

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Hi, Scorpio! First off, don't beat yourself up about not being happy with your life as it is right now. Frankly, I think this is your inner voice telling you that you want more meaning from life, and you're ready to explore your options. Personally, I hated school, too, and wasn't nearly ready for college when I first went, which is why I dropped out and didn't return until I was about 26.


If I could go back in time to when I was 20 years old, I would have traveled. There are actually jobs out there for young people who can get a small stiped, room, and board in different countries in exchange for all kinds of interesting work - from working on experimental organic farms, to working with disadvantaged people.


If you don't have any pets, kids, or other responsibilities that are tieing you down, check some of these jobs out: link removed.

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Another good idea is to think about what you enjoyed doing as a child. Were there certain things you were good at, or that you spent lots of time doing? Maybe you enjoyed art or music, or reading, or writing, or science. Think about what you leaned towards back when you weren't worried about finding yourself. There are also a lot of books that help narrow down your interests and suggest possible careers. It's okay to be confused at 20. You're really young, and you have lots of time to try different things and figure out what interests you.

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I have the same problem and I'm 24. I find it embarrassing because I'm rather clueless as to what to do next whether it's school, a relationship/marriage or whatever else there is to do in life.


My best advice is keep your head up and try to plan the next move in your life. That's what I did when I was in your shoes... at the same age no less. Try to keep friends and positive people around you. These can advise and generally give you the leg up when you are down.


On top of that, try to get out more and get some healthy exercise by walking/running/etc. to get some motivation going. Doing that will initiate activity and make you feel like you've done something.


Remember the cardinal rules here; There is always hope and giving up completely can be one of the hardest things in the world. Hope you do well, Scorpio8647!

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hmm 20 yrs. old and you worked at Wendy's... unless you become a business owner, how could you possibly make any more money than the minimimum wage range without being educated? (I'm sure there are exceptions, but it's not easy.) Do yourself a favor and go back to school. Unless you want to marry a "rich" guy and mooch off of (depend on) him for the rest of your life (which will make you feel trapped).


School may not be "for you," but it might help you get the things you want out of life. Sometimes we just gotta suck it up and deal with things that we'd rather not do. That's a part of what it means to be a responsible adult.

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