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more crushing


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Hello readers, i have a confusing situation. I have this friend who is very, unpredictable at times. He is sooooo nice to anyone he likes(and i mean like like) but he's doesn't seem to care for girls he doesn't. This guy had a crush on me about a year ago and he had that crush for about 3 months, but when i started liking him back, he lost interest. I broke up with my boyfriend a few weeks ago and jus recently he's been talking to me alot. He is being a really good friend and we laugh and joke around alot. lately he's been calling me things like sweetheart and honey (eg. it's late, you should sleep sweets). Now this may seem like hes crushing on me again, BUT at first he told me of how he was going to ask this other girl out, and being a friend i gave him some advice on how to do it, but then after talking a few more days he told me he does not like her anymore. He changes his mind alot and i really do not know whether i should, carry out my "feelings" for him(and yes i think im starting to crush on him). What do you think??


P.S. He made a joke about "touching you sexually (don't ask)" and lately he does it alot and every time i get this almost shivery feeling

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