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College Student: How do I get a job?

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Last Monday, I went job hunting and applied at 5 different places. The only place that I seemed to have any luck at was Starbucks, I have an interview tomorrow. I'm not even sure if I'll get a job there, so I'm going to apply at more places soon.


Now what is the trick to getting a job?

Is it what I put on the application? I've been putting down my skills as: attentive to detail, dealing with customer complaints, can work under pressure, lots of stamina.


Is it how I dress when I come in to fill out an application? Is it my available times? I'm putting down numbers and actual times, should I put down just "mornings" and "nights" to make it less confusing?


Is it based on the actual need of employees at the time? Or is it just my outlook of things? Should I be taking this step seriously, or just laxed and carefree?


I've been thinking if I were to take it laxed and carefree, when I go fill out another application, say at another Starbucks, I'm going to put down "Executive Bathroom Inspector or Barista" for the position I want, and when I do that interview tomorrow, I'm going to joke around and have a laugh at it. Should I be taking the application process serious at all?


Does what I wear to the interview really matter either? I'm going to just wear some black Volcom khakis, a white henley, and checkered Vans.

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I would dress nicer than casual, as your first impression really does make a difference.


You seem very laid back about it because it is Starbucks, however, it's always good to create strong references for your future jobs.


You can drop off a resume/app and then call back a week later to ask the progress of your application.


I think the way you come off during the interview will dictate you getting a job. I have seen time and time again where someone acts very nonchalant during an interview and doesn't land it for that reason. So I would recommend being calm, but also showing your more favorable assets that you mentioned above.


Good luck.



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I would dress nicer than casual, as your first impression really does make a difference.


You seem very laid back about it because it is Starbucks, however, it's always good to create strong references for your future jobs.


You can drop off a resume/app and then call back a week later to ask the progress of your application.


I think the way you come off during the interview will dictate you getting a job. I have seen time and time again where someone acts very nonchalant during an interview and doesn't land it for that reason. So I would recommend being calm, but also showing your more favorable assets that you mentioned above.


Good luck.




Would you say a casual button up shirt is good for an interview? Black shirt with black khakis and vans checkered shoes?


When I searching for jobs before, I used to hand them my resume, and it seemed like it wasn't even worth the effort.

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Well, I think the black shirt and khakis are good, but do you have some black dressier shoes than the vans checkered ones. Maybe even black vans, I just think the checkered ones may not be right for the interview, but if they are the best pair you have, then go for it.


I think it may not seem it's worth the effort, but I really think it is. You can change as soon as you get out, but it's always good to look professional despite the job, who knows, maybe they might even make you manager, and that would look really good for future jobs, but professionalism is key here.

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What gets me is, in the past, I've been hired on the spot, when I wasn't even looking for a job. For example, I was clothes shopping, I was chatty with the cashier girl, and she offered me a job. I took it, all I had to do was come in and fill out the paperwork, but unfortunately I had to leave for summer. I'm still wondering if I could go back and get that job.


At another job, I just came into a restaurant and asked for an application, but they didn't have any. I just put my name and number on a piece of receipt paper, and the manager asked me to come in for an interview the next day. I got that job as a driver, but it was horrible on my car.

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I don't think it matters what you wear, as long as you don't look sloppy. For working at a coffee shop there usually isn't an interview - it's more on the spot.


What matter is that you:


-talk to the manager. If he's not available, then come back. Don't just leave your resume.


-look him in the eye and be friendly and conversational.


-Of course you should take the process seriously! This might seem like the lamest job in the world to you - but it's their business and they take it very seriously. Be easygoing, but mature.

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I agree with that, if you can get a paid internship it's even better. Work study is I think you just work for your college... and get paid absolute crap at minimum wage-- don't do work study because you don't need to unless you have another job already and you can squeeze it in. $6.75 is what the students at my college get paid and they're making like $30 a week total-- you don't get real amounts of hours either.


But yeah if you can get an internship, do that. Money, good money if you're paid, and experience is the way to go. You should have a career services place at your college and they'll have places to contact. They can also help you with your resume.

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To answer your question.. biggest reason for employment is demand obviously.. employers dont want to sit with a job opening for 2 months... they need someone and now.. so the best is good timing.

Work study at my school is still pretty decent in the 15$/hr for 10-15hrs per week. Coops are even better because you can alternate between work and study for each semester.. im in a program like that right now and getting in the 20$/hr. It makes a huge difference and worth the investment.

One thing you forgot to mention is experience. That's worth a lot.. and mostly your on the spot personality... the thing with qualities is that anyone can put they are trustworthy, hard working etc.. on paper without any proof but it doesnt show anything. I would rather see experience when hiring someone than random qualities without some kind of reason why.

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Above the great already given, yes all those things can factor into whether or not you get the interview. It's good to give the appearance that you are friendly and not uptight, but certainly if you appear too laid back in your appearnce and the importance you put into the application, the manager may easily assume that you don't take this seriously enough.


Also, do look at the hours you are listing. Many places that offer shift work will only consider those employees who put their availablility down as "any time" or in the very least to be available during the shifts they need to fill (typically the evenings and weekends.) Obviously, be honest with your availability and if you truly can only work a certain time, put that down. But in order to land a job, you may have to be open to working hours that aren't your preference.

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It will probably be things like, how do you handle a customer who is not happy-- you do what you can for them and if there is a problem, you will let them know you will have your manager assist them, and that shows you know when to ask a manager for help. And other things like that, but they're probably really general... I'd think about how Starbucks is like when you're a customer and how you'd like to be treated and whatnot.

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Always wear a full dress suit, professional pants, and a tie to any job interview, no matter how laid back you think it is.


Finding a job is a numbers game. You will be rejected lots of times, but you just have to keep trying until you hit the jackpot. You said you handed out just 5 resumes. That is barely anything. Try handing out atleast 10 per week. Doing that, you will atleast get one interview per week, and after 4 or 5 interviews, you should find a good job. Remember, interviews can go badly, even if you prepare well. Just keep trying.

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Always wear a full dress suit, professional pants, and a tie to any job interview, no matter how laid back you think it is.


Finding a job is a numbers game. You will be rejected lots of times, but you just have to keep trying until you hit the jackpot. You said you handed out just 5 resumes. That is barely anything. Try handing out atleast 10 per week. Doing that, you will atleast get one interview per week, and after 4 or 5 interviews, you should find a good job. Remember, interviews can go badly, even if you prepare well. Just keep trying.


Don't always wear a suit but dress well. It depends on the job you are going for. It is not a numbers game it is a skill game. If you apply properly and have a good interview technique you are more likely to get a job than someone who applies for 10,000 jobs but cannot interview or write a resume or cover letter. Finding work can be a learning experience for people not naturally blessed with the appropriate skills.

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