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When you feel like you dont see eachother enough...


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Hey everyone,


As always, I get awesome advice from this forum, so I thought I'd give it another go. I started seeing a guy almost a month ago now. We have a lot of fun together, can tease eachother and are over all very comfortable with eachother. The only issue is that he lives 45min-1hr away (Im in college, he works) and so its hard to see eachother. So far we've seen eachother twice a week, but I feel I want to see him more. When we dont get to see eachother in person, we do talk online (30 min maybe) and on the phone (15 min). For the beginning of a relationship (which we've made official), it feels like too little time for me. I'm home how for the holidays and he's going home too, and he has family visiting him from out of state right now so maybe that's why we havent had much of a chance to meet up.


He is older and working and I'm still in college and I know our lives are very different. Should I wait it out without saying anything and see if it improves on its own? Or should I bring it up to him now? Or is this just a dealbreaker in having a relationship?

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You have only been together one month. Give it time. The problem with relationships nowadays is that people think you have to see each other constantly in order for the relationship to fly. Not so. When my parents went out, they saw each other once a week, spoke once during the week, were married in just over a year and have now been happily married for 46 years. Everyone is rushing with relationships. What happens is that in the beginning the couple sees each other constantly, can't keep their hands of each other and have stars in their eyes. When the relationship slows down (because naturally it can't keep that pace, we all have lives to lead) then one person starts getting uptight that the relationship is fizzling, when it is simply going at a more realistic pace. Relax and don't discuss it with him. Let the relationship run a natural course and don't push things too fast, too soon.

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I have been going out with my boyfriend for almost 3 months now. We only get to see each other once or twice a week (weekends...friday and/or saturday night) because we go to different schools and our parents won't let us go out on weeknights. First I kept thinking that I wanted to see him more but now I realized it keeps us waiting for more. We talk once or twice during the week on the phone and when we do get to see each other neither of us can wait. Also, like crazyaboutdogs said, not seeing each constantly is keeping us from moving too fast and having the relationship die.


So...sometimes its ok not to see each other all the time. Just let things flow...

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