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I am so confussed and i dont know what to think....

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you're only 14, I was 14 once and I know waht you are feeling at this point. I too met a guy who was "17" on the internet we started talking, I really thought I liked this guy and I really thought he liked me so we met offline I lied to my parents told them Iw as going out to the mall. I met up with this fella, who in turn really was 22 but being 14 I thought it was actually "cool" to be with an older guy and he liked me so I had to be special so he decides to take me back to his place to "show me how special he really thought I was " well in turn I ended up getting raped. I was told by this guy who I thought cared about me that if I told anyone they wouldnt believe me because I lured him in and it was my fault, I would get into trouble. So I didn't tell anyone until I met my current bf and still to this day my parents dont know and I probably will never tell them.


The point of my story is, you're at the age now one sentence is all you need to make the biggest mistake of your life and you are too young to be dealing with the problems that could arise from meeting someone off the internet.

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As long as you proceed with caution, because face it, you DON'T know if he is who he says he is. A lot of people meet fake people online. It's just the way it is. It doesn't make you stupid for believing him, cause who knows, he could very well be who he says he is.


But you aren't going to see him until you are 18 most likely. And if you are still in a "relationship" with him by then, then really, I'll be happy for you. A lot of long distance relationships don't last because you really do need to spend time together in real life before you can really know each other.


And you can't love someone if you don't know them. Even if you knew each other in real life, I would say a month is still too short a time to know each other well enough.


I think that right now, the important thing to decide is if it's worth being in an internet relationship when you know you won't be seeing him for the next 4 years at least.

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