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I was once the girl who was the life of every situation.I was always out with friends.Always doing something.

I could talk to anyone about anything.....


Fast forward two years later and Im boxed in my room......Whenever someone talks to me I get blurry and feel faint.Words fall out of my mouth that I wasnt even thinking to say.My face turns white and my body shakes.

Even with friends Ive had since grade school,and family members.


I dont answer my phone.


I miss my life. I dont know what to do.


I cant afford medication,and Im not qualified for medical.


I have talked to a few family members about it and they told me....."Its just a fase everyone goes through." That I will get over it.

This truly doesnt feel like a fase.


It has ruined my life in so many ways.


I really need some help.


If anyone has any tips or info for me, I would be grateful.

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Wow this seems serious.. I think you should try and get professional help. I don't really know anything about the insurance system in your country but in most countries it's a mandatory thing... so do you at least have some sort of medical insurance? Because talking to a therapist seems like a good idea!


Otherwise: look at the classifieds or craigslist or somewhere to see if there are any talking groups that you can join. Or if you're a student a councelor at your school, or at your job/previous job the company's psychologist (if it has one)... Or even just your regular doctor?


It will take a lot of small babysteps to get over this, but I'm sure you can do it. Try to get out of the house as much as possible, even if it's just for a few minutes! Try to set little goals for yourself, like: I will have a small conversation with at least one person everyday (you can start with telephone conversations?)


Also, How did you slip into this? Did something happen? Did you slowly get into this state or was it a quick change? It might help, if you know why this happened?

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aww...im sorry... i went through the same thing... only add gaining 50lbs to the mix I still haven't lost it all... Now I realized you said you don't have insurance BUT I highly recommend you see a doctor. There are quite a few antidepressants that come in generic form for about $10/month and same goes for anti-anxiety like Xanax or Ativan... I take all of the above and they're all extremely affordable. Could you afford counseling?

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I Have no money for myself.

I am taking care of my mother right now,who also has anxiety.

Plus a list of other mental and physical problems.....Lets just say she takes120 mil of morphine a day.....Insaine,I know.

We live in a town with more cows than people.

Unless you are a logger,your making minimum wage at best.

So,the little money I make goes towards her.


I will go see a doctor as soonas I can.I know its a must.

But for right now I was hopeing maybe there were some stress or calm type pills I could pick up at say fred myers or safeway (since those are our only stores).


So my question is....Are there any over the counter pills I could buy that have a real effect.


I really cant afford some bottle that claims to calm you down,but really does nothing but give you more vitamin c .


So are there any over the counter pills you could recommend?

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I have heard a thing called Relacore (I think). I know its made for weight management/loss, but my brother, who has been diagnosed with anti-social disorder, was told to take it by his councellor. He is in no way overweight either...so I know its not just for that. I am only saying what he told me, or what I interpreted from him. I may be wrong, I would search it and read some about it. Hope that helps.

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i suffered from the same thing. i had generized anxiety disorder and it was probably one of the most horrible things i have ever experienced and people and family who has never experienced it doesnt know how much it effects your life.. i can relate to you, not being able to go out because your scared something will happen your stuck in your room advoiding everyone..

i suffered with this for about 2years, and my breaking point was when my bestfriend died and i new it was time to make changes... i asked my mom about therapy and she agreed to let me go. i was in therapy for about 3 months and im cured. i refused to take medication, i feel thats a temp. solution.. i know you feel like your going to be like this forever and you dont know what to do it get rid of it but you should seriously think about therapy theres no easy way out of this and you have to put the hard work into it..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Clarocet NRI can help reduce symptons of anxiety: (you can even order it on amazon)


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But since you're symptons are quite serious a psychiatrist would probably suggest cognitive behavioral therapy and/or some sort of prescription meds like ssri's (prozac, zoloft, seroxat etc.) or Xanax for temporary relief.


For now, what you can do is: try working out on a regular basis and doing something relaxing like yoga, meditation or chi-excersises. Stay away from high sugary snacks and highcarb-foods and make sure you get enough b-vitamins (these are related to serotonin-levels which are related to anxiety!).


Ow, and have you thought of hypnotherapy? That's something you can do yourself too.


take care!

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