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this is the man she wanted but now turns down

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ok....makes no sense


u want a strong man, full of confidence and pride


a man that gets u and understand what a healthy relationship is about


that can bring u to multiples by touching your lower back


that treats u as an equal, loves your daughter


can provide for you


ensures you are you own woman, have your own space


takes you out and shows you how great u are


admits mistakes and did the work


basically, everything u wanted back then


and now refuse


makes no sense


that's ok


take care

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well the days of being in limbo are done for me


for months i've had this all backwards - i just released it after my burpday. see i've been reaching out for this woman, even though she should be the one, and i've heard nothing and then it hit me - i looked at both sides: i have a great job [83k], new house with small mortgage, no debt, regained health and determination regarding add-program, family and friends that care, supportive ex wife and loving healthy daughter, self respect and self love, creative, etc.

she has - huge debt, health issues [many], no communication skills, police reports, etc.


and i've been the one reaching out? i don't see what she really offers and she basically told yes then no - repeat - so why am i interested in someone that doesn't care and has no interest in a relationship and treats me like i am the one that will suffer - i have moved on.

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Sorry for sounding crude here but men are prone to think with the wrong head sometimes. Been there, done that. Like you I assessed the reality of the situation and concluded I had everything to lose and she had everything to gain. You can only reach out for so long and then you must move on.

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