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First date in a while, nervous!


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Well, tomorrow is my first date i've been on in a while, i've been single for about a year and a half by choice, and decided to get back into it. I'm probably rusty at dating, so can anyone offer me up some tips please?!

Also, i hope if i decide to go for the kiss, that i pick the proper time, lol.

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Kisses on first dates are always best at the end. It keeps the uncomfortable factor out of the picture DURING the date.


I just posted on someone elses post... about a similar situation.


Go to the mirror, and look at yourself and say "this isn't a date, I'm just going to talk to her and get to know her".


Thats the best way to approach "first dates". Do your best to regard this as a friendly meeting to SEE if this will turn into anything.


So if it goes GREAT, then a kiss at the end could be in order. Talk about past relationships during the date, and see who/how she is. The way people deal with that question during my first dates, tends to show their character... and I usually base whether or not to date someone based off that question.


People go either weird, ecstatic, hatred, laughable, shy. Usually the shy one or the laughable ones are keepers. If they begin to complain or go nuts about it... you know something is wrong.


Well thats the way I personally judge it.

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