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Help, I like my friend and...

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Ok, I like my friend and he seems to like me but I cannot ever tell!! He talks to me when I call him and he like play punches me whenever I see him! We hang out when we are @ church things but he told me he liked one of my friends but then he started acting the same way when we got home!! I want to go out with him, yet if i tell him I like him I think that it will ruin our friendship!! One day we were painting a house and we were on the roof and he ws asking me questions like, "What do u want your wedding to be like" and "What do you look for in a guy" and just other things along those lines!


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Sounds like to me he has some interest...I dont think he would ask ?'s like that for fun, i know i wouldnt..and i happen to be falling for my best friend as well, hey...he might feel the same way u do but he just dosnt want to come straight out and "say it" so instead he kind of hints at it. I think you should just bring up the idea of you 2 together and go from there. I mean the worst that could happen is he says no, wish is an unlikly outcome i think here... By the way how long ya'll been friends (if its been a while then deffinatly go for it, what u got to lose)?

Keep us posted babe! 420 0X

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Isn't life all about takin chances? u shouldn't think bout things, just do it coz u kno, chances are u'll neva b able 2 predict the future.


What if he/she's just feelin what u're feelin, someone's gotta spill it out sonner or later, sure u might screw ur friendship ova for a while but at least he'll kno and u might get a chance in the future. Like me, i was in the same situation and now me and my really good friend's 2getha.


So what if u do screw up the friendship, if u're so close already, it'll just take some time b4 u're back 2 ur old friend style again coz like it's virtually impossible 2 drift away from best friends unless u don't do anything about it.


I think it's just u thinkin 2 much and worrying about things b4 they surpass but i suppose, sometimes ppl like 2 b prepared even tho there's just way 2 many possiblities lol "ooh.. the possibilities" - some sorta toy ad catchphrase. Anyway, right back 2 this, even if u do worry, somethin else u might not b prepared 4 might occur, then wouldn't it hav been a waste of time?


Happy Heb

PS i do think he likes you and that would b a probable hint.

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