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why do i focus and work best at night??

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This really bothers me, during that dy i cant focus or work properly. But at night i can really focus Some people say that i might have attention problems, but when i can focus i really do great work.

It is so frustrating.

Someone help!! btw. i am way past my teensage years.

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everybody's biorhythms are different... some people are more night people, some people day people... your day/night cycle can also get out of whack due to chemical imbalances, jet lag, irregular sleep cycles etc.


i do know there is a way to re-adjust your sleeping cycles, by gradually moving when you go to sleep and get up... but you should consult your doctor if you feel you sleep cycle is way off, and they can suggest ways to fix this.. either behavioral changes or medication, or a combination until your biorhythms are normalized to a day cycle...


but some people really are night owls, so unless it is disrupting your work or life, i wouldnt' worry about it much.

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Couple of quick thoughts:


1. I have discussed this in the past with a psychiatrist friend recently regarding my depression since my split. He said that it has to do with circadian rythmns - that testosterone levels rise and fall during the day and that we feel better at night. Typical depressed people feel bad in the morning and better at night. Atypical depressed folks feel worse in the evening.


2. My friend , the psychiatrist, also said that it is important to have thyroid checked. Fatigue and exhaustion (and depression) during the day could be caused by hypothyroid disorder.


Problems with the thyroid are pandemic in the US and globally due, in large part, to radiation pollution - since the beginning of the nuclear age - which damages the thyroid gland which regulates body temperature and hormonal acticvity, heart rate --- all sorts of things.I urge you to check out the "Broda Barnes Foundation" website for more info as well as link removed.


Checking your basal body temperature first thing in the morning is the best way to see if your thyroid is not functioning properly. Blood texts can help in severe cases, but often they do not pick up those who have this problem (see, again, the broda barnes website for more info on this)


sometimes a prescription for (natural desiccated thyroid) can really really help with the daytime blues.


good luck.

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I'm the same way. When able to follow my own cycle, my best work hours are from around 3pm to 2am. I got into this when I was writing my thesis from home a few years ago, and I was highly productive. However, I could barely string a sentence together the rest of the time.


Back to real time now b/c demanding day job. Still perfectly functional during the day, it just takes more effort. When I have tough drafting to do, big ideas to manage I am not so hot in the morning.


My suggestions are a bit banal, but for someone like me the key is eating properly and plenty of rest. If I have not rested properly or eaten well once I got up (and I need to eat straight away) I have a much lower chance of maintaining concentration or being in a good mood.


I think you can train yourself to change your approach, and my distant recollection studying biorythmns at Uni seem to support that. So you can be functional as a day person, but you need to train yourself to be that way, and also perhaps face the fact you may never be a morning person.

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