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NC: 1 week and counting update

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Well, it has been 1 week since last contact. She asked for NC 3 weeks ago, and I emailed her short note a week ago, to which she responded and thanked me for my patience. I responded to hers, and she left me hanging since then with no reply.


I've learned that LC sucks. Learned that the hard way in fact. I've had days where I actually did not expect to hear from her, and those were the first peaceful days I have known since this happened. I will not screw that up again by contacting her.


If she gets well and decides she wants to try this again, I will hear her out and see what happens. But I am no longer expecting to hear from her. I won't torture myself with that anymore. It isn't worth it.


I used to think that she was worth it, but I am starting to wonder now.

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Stragely, that is one question I am completely unconflicted about. YES I do want her back. I just don't know if that will ever happen, and not knowing is driving me crazy.


I really do appreciate her trying to spare me this by just breaking up with me. I think she knew this uncertainty would be harder for me to deal with than an outright breakup.


Anyway, I made it through the day without contacting her, even though I buried a friend of mine today and that really made me want to hear her voice more than ever.

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