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So last night me and my girlfriend were doing fine. Her mom had been wanting to throw her a surprise b-day party because my g/f has i guess never had a real bday party. So the mom had told me a couple weeks prior to like ask people to come and all. Well I had forgotten because I was going to wait till like a week before so the word didnt get out. So then this week I started asking some ppl and they all were saying like "Well I dunno if I can i dont think so." So I got frustrated and decided to stop. I have finals to study for and other stuff to do and got lazy i guess. So I told her mom this and she was dissappointed. I didjnt really think it was a big deal but then my g/f called me last night crying saying her mom told her bout the party. She was soo angry saying I didnt try hard enough. So for the next 15 minutes she just was constantly bashing me basically denyting I even love her. Then she was saying that she was just going with her sister to a christmas party. We had all planned on riding together. Then that she just wanted to spend this weekend with her family and not see me. She then continued into every aspect she hates about this relationship. And finsished with well "the only way to make this up to me is to make it up to my mom." I guess her mom was really hurt she couldnt give her the party. Anyways I felt like crap all night. How can I make this up?

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There are two sides to this. For one, her mom really wanted to give her this party. SHE should have put more effort into it if she really wanted to make it work. You did what you could do to help, but it wasn't your responsibility to make the party, that her mom wanted for her, perfect.


I can understand in ways why she would be hurt. You didn't let her know until a week before the party that you couldn't do it. Which hardly leaves any time.


Honestly, I guess I don't understand why they are acting the way they are. Your girlfriend and her mom are both acting pretty selfish right now. I guess I would take this time to really look at your girlfriend and the type of person she is. She seems to care too much about what revolves around her rather than anyone else, including you.

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Many would love to have this crystal ball you just glimpsed into....RUN!


Her mom had good intentions and high expectations but her lack of action and involvement is certainly being overlooked by your GF. You have a pretty full plate as it is and you did actually try so don't take any blame or guilt here. This is a perfect example of how your GF and her mother are going to team up in the future, is this the type of family you want down the road?



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Well today wasnt to bad...I actually made an effort to have the party on Sunday instead of Saturday. However when I calle dher mom she said this would not work because of a choir concert and that it would not mean as much this soon. So she is rescheduling it for after christmas break. The gf is fine now and apologized this morning for talking to me like that. So I guess her mom will give over it.

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