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Dropping out of college in the first week.

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I followed the same path that everyone follows. After High School, you go to college, end of story. I only applied to three schools, Two of which I got into. They were Colorado State, and Delaware Valley College. DelVal, although accepting my application, did not accept my application into thier equine science program. I was left with one choice, CSU. I tried to convince my parents to let me take the year off and apply to other schools, but they were against it, too afraid that I would never go to college. I stuck with it, and now I am in my first week at CSU. I am 2,000 miles away from home and I am very homesick. I am depressed, and I want to drop out. My parents say I havent given it enough time, and other nonsense like that, but I know that I would be making the right choice to leave. Because it is only the first week, I could still get almost a full refund on my tuition. I feel deep in my heart that I am following the wrong path and that I am not where I should be. I want to take the semester off and re-apply to other schools closer to home. In my year off, I'll get a job and do some community service to better my chances of getting in.


So that is my story, but I need some advice.

How do I convince my parents that I am making the right decision?

Should I just drop out and deal with the consequences rather than ask and hear them tell me no?

I need some advice, any advice really. Thank you for your help.

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I have to agree with your parents to a point, how do you know if you don't give it a shot? Did you want to do what you're studying but just decide not to because you're homesick? I know it's tough being away from home, but are you giving yourself enough time to try and network a new group of people to hang out with? Believe me, on campus dorms can be very fun!


The ultimate choice however is yours, it's your life. If moving back and taking some time off is what you think is best for you then I'd recommend going back and following your path. Personally I'd probably want to stay at least a semester to see if you like the new surroundings, but bottom line...you should do what you think is best for YOU.



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Hello there,

I'm sorry to hear you are not enjoying your time in college. I understand how hard it is to try to force yourself into school when you don't feel the drive, especially since you are at a school you don't enjoy.

While I think in some ways your parents are right to tell you to give it more time, I also empathize with you. I went to one year of college. First semester, I loved it, it was fun, exhilirating. Second semeseter, I almost failed out. I passed 3 of my 5 classes and heard about it for the rest of the summer. I also didn't return to college.

It is difficult to get back into the swing of things after taking time off from school, but it IS possible. I was out of school for a whole year, and now I am going back. Granted I am going back parttime, it's a start and probably the best thing for me. I think it's great that you want to look for a place where you will learn and grow the best.

As far as explaining this to your parents, I'm not sure if you can. My parents did not understand my strong desire not to return to the school I had attended, but they eventually accepted it as my decision.

I suggest you talk to your parents about this. Sit down and figure out exactly why you are unhappy and tell them all the reasons you feel you need a year break. I don't suggest you just drop out and not say anything to them. It's not fair to them as they do matter in this decision. But the decision is ultimately yours. If they continue to tell you to stick it out, be firm in your beliefs and dont' back down. Make them understand.

Best wishes.

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There won't be anything that you can say to convince your parents that you are making the right decision.


I am wondering why you made the decision? There are only certain paths we can follow to get to our goals, and unless your goal is to work in 7-11, you should re-visit it. Decide what your goals are.


On the other hand, your path is your path. You are not going to convince them, but you have to be decided on something. Not just give a flakey answer. Be firm about what you want.....then GO FOR IT!!!!! ;-)


You can't follow someone else's path. Just be true to yours, and make sure it isn't some cop out.


Just my opinion. ;-)



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I tried to reply to this just a second ago, so we'll see if it works out. If there ends up being two, sorry. Anyway, I am sorry to hear about your depression...but I think that you will get used to the new environment and maybe even enjoy it, it just takes time. I went away to school at the age of 14, against what i wanted to do. It sucked the first two or three weeks, but after a month I had a group of friends and felt confortable in my surroundings. Now I am a senior and I am still away at school and next year I'll be going to college. I am even applying to CSU! (im a coloradan). So jsut know that it will get better, if it helps, I know a lot of awesome people that go there...and who love the Fort Collins and have a lot to do there. So hang in there....



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my only advice is.. DON'T do it! you will regret it for the rest of your life, I promise you. just stick with it and everything will be just fine. you always have ways of corresponding with home, but do know it will take time to get over being homesick. i mean, i am only 30 minutes away from home and i still get homesick occasionally.. so it's natural. just take it easy and don't let your dreams just fly out the window... meet some new people and things will be just fine. good luck. you will realize that college is one of the best experiences of your life that you will ever encounter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just hear to say I did not enjoy my first semester at college at all, I was very depressed because i thought it was somehow going to change (compared to high school) and the only thing that changed was the availability of alcohol ...



But it all got better as I slowly made friends and now I rarely even want to go home. Because home now seems boring.


I would say try it out for a semester or two and then transfer your credits to a new school. I am pretty sure you can still apply to other schools while in a different one. To make the transition easier maybe you can take the minimum required credits for financial aid etc. Making less time of class and work and more time for finding fun things on campus (intra mural sports, clubs, tag coed-football )

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