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Gosh this hurts so bad....

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Thanks you Hope. SNAP!

Nothing new in my life right now. My current job is horrible. I think my boss is getting fired. We work for a small privately held endoscopy reporting company. The owner is an idiot! He is refusing to pay commissions etc. I am really excited about my job interview. I have been preparing for the difficult questions they ask! You would be surprised what they ask! They want to make sure you can think on your feet. I'm really excited about getting this job. Still depressed and worried it won't go well. I know I have to change my thought process and get over the bad stuff. I feel a little better this afternoon. I'm getting my hair done on Friday. Other than simple day to day stuff I've got nothing new to report. Trying to take it a day at a time. Had a little cry this afternoon when things were overwhelming. I do miss him and us terribly sometimes. It is getting better. I just have to make sure not to let the little things and thoughts creep in like they do. He is over me....I must get over him. Idk whats going to happen if I don't get this job. But, there has to be something out there for me. Still NC. NC on his part also. But, in his defense, he is out of the country at his national meeting. Thanks for asking. I will try to not vent so much (and obsess) about them. It just creeps in..........SNAP!

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I will try to not vent so much (and obsess) about them. It just creeps in..........SNAP!


Stormie, of course you can vent- that's what we are here for.


I just want to also hear about progress on your life- what's going on with you and how you are making positive changes to help yourself get through this.

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I love "House" it's one of the best shows out there. Feeling better today. Had a serious talk with my current boss. He is helping me to find another job. This company we work for is horrible. Found out yesterday, I'm not getting my commission check for my Austin trip. Gosh, the owner, (private held company) can do whatever he wants. We do have a contract but, he says if you fight it he will drag it out in courts for years. truly not worth the effort. So, I feel the pressure of my current job is not so bad with my boss helping me. Interviews are coming up! I am so excited to finally get all this stuff behind me and move on. I need a change! It's going to be a happy 2007 even if I have to fight for every day of it! To heck with those cheating people! I will survive! (ok, i was strong for about 2 minutes. I still miss him but, i am going to move on). I will get this job! I have to keep telling myself I will win. I will show everyone that I am strong and able to do an awesome job! I will, I will, I will!

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Wow, it's been17 days since I talked with Larry. He called me. It's been since December 21st since I talked to him in person (the party). I miss him still so much everyday. It is getting better. I do have my bad moments everyday where I feel sorry for myself. Got depressed on Friday. I found a recruiter that was recruiting for the job I am interviewing for. I don't know where I stand on that. Interviews are next week. I don't know what day for sure but, I am studying my heart out for it. Just wanted to take a few minutes out of my day to vent a little bit. I just plain and simply miss us. He is back from his companies annual meeting. I have no idea how that went. I'm sure he is in the top 10% this year. Last year, he was salesman of the year. He is so smart when it comes to this type of business. I wish he was smart in the relationship part also. I love him. I know I shouldn't but, how do you stop? All I can remember is the good stuff! Okay, enough venting. It doesn't do any good any way. He has totally left me in the trash and it is my job to pick myself up. I keep wishing he was here to help me prepare for the interviews. But, wouldn't it be a great feeling if I got this position without his help? Absolutely! But, if I don't, gosh I hate to think about what I am about to go through. I love and miss him to death. I flat out need him right now....there I go.....Well, it's back to reading about clinical trials...wish me luck!

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Had a horrible day yesterday. Larry is a rude son of a gun! He had the nerve to bring Kelley to my lab yesterday. She is not even an employee of Boston Scientific yet! She doesn't start until next week. She is even trying to get this account from the current rep! I wasn't there but, a friend of mine call to tell me the scoop! The nerve of him! He is cardiac! She is peripheral! They have nothing in common. So, we called our peripheral rep and let him know that she was trying to get his territory and some other lies she told to cover up her and Larry. He couldn't believe that she was there with Larry....He even stated that they have nothing in common with each others product lines and she wasn't even an employee yet? Bob, the current rep was really mad that she was trying to "steal" us. Gosh, they are so stupid! She even made up a story about why her car was at Larry's hotel! They are bad liars! I hope they both get caught and get fired. (Feeling kinda angry, yeah!). Then the bad stuff hit, Cindy had to tell me that Kelley is going up to Minnesota for two weeks of training and Larry is going to go up there on Valentines day as a trainer! Gosh, that one hurt! I knew we would not be together but, sure didn't want him there with her! She is so going to fall on her face with this position. She is no way prepared to take over the territory. I think Larry is trying to get her some of his same accounts so that when he gets his promotion, she can take over his territory. I hope they both get fired! They both deserve it so bad right now. I really don't like him right now. How dare he bring her! It's just not fair or right or anything!

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What a rude ! Sorry I shouldn't say stuff like that stormie but that was below the belt. It is almost as if he has seen how well you are handling this whole thing and he is trying to push your buttons now. That is only really obviouse at this point. That is the kind of crap that I really hate. He can't just leave well enough alone. He wants to make you pay for being strong. But if he keeps crap like that up he is going to "hang himself" for being so arrogant. So when you spoke to someone about this whole thing what does that entail for him/her? Well at least that will bring some attention to them by managment right? Because at this point someone needs to tell him something! I don't blame you for being angry about that at all!! And she is just straight scandelouse! That girl ( and I will call her that cuz she is not even close to being a "woman", must think pretty highly of herself to be putting herself out there like that. She "is" going to fall flat on her face Stormie and when she does you can sit back and enjoy the moment. I know I am not being very nice right now but enough is enough. Keep your head up cuz you are still doing amazingly well Stormie. Don't let them get to you, hang in there! Your moment is coming! Take care, Eileen.

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Thanks Eileen. Yes, they are being so stupid. It was rude of both of them to come to my hospital together like that. I don't know what he is thinking. Obviously not with the right part of his body. I wonder if they thought they were getting away with something and it was a turn on. I know.....I need to stop thinking about them being together that way. I just hate to see him throw away his career for a tramp. I hate to see her being successful because she slept with someone with "power" to move her forward. He is being crazy. I care about him (I know I shouldn't, but I do) and I don't want to see this happen to him. I can't say anything at all to him because he will just think I am being jealous. I am still doing the NC. I really hate this. It's gunna be a bad day. I feel it already coming on. Life isn't very fair sometimes. She isn't a good person and really he isn't anymore. I have to move on and take care of myself. I have to get one of these jobs that are coming open. I have too. I don't know what I will do if I don't. My current boss just quit our horrible company. He doesn't even have a job to go too! He just got so fed up with the poo that is going on he quit. I don't know what to do.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,

It's been a couple of weeks since I posted. It just hurt too much to keep looking at this everyday. Nothing is new except...I lost my job! I was fired because my "old company" found out I was looking and interviewing for a new job! I must have the worst luck of anyone I know. The interviews are going well. I'm actually interviewing with two different companies. I have told one about being fired and they are okay with it. THey say it wasn't my fault. My old company was able to retrieve a email off of my private computer through the ip phone. I had asked my old boss for a letter of recommendation. So, everyone out there, look out if you have a company owned ip phone connected to your home network, they can look at any computer attached through a "packet sniffer" program. I am proof that you can and will get fired. The Larry & Kelley situation is not any better. I still cry everyday. I miss and love him so much still but, I am trying to make the best I can. I have to get that job now! I will post more when I can.

Thanks to everyone for the advise! God Bless.

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I check in here and there meself to see how everyone is and I havent been on myself for like a week. I was really shocked to see that you lost your job! I don't know if maybe that was a good thing in the sense that you won't have to deal with your ex anymore right? I know you will still be in the same industry but it wont be as regular as the contact that you have with him now right. That is really dirty that your job did that. It seems like you are just going through a really rough patch right now. Something or someone is really testing you! But you are really strong and you continue to move forword even if you don't feel like it. I am sure you will do just fine with finding a new job, and a better one at that! I have never heard of a spyware program like that but it doesn't surprise me at all that one like that exists!! I am sure that they nose around in peoples stuff all the time and people don't even realize it. That is such an invasion of your privacy though. How did you actually find out that they had done that?? I am sure they werent honest with you about it either. Wrong, wrong and more wrong!! Take care of you and I wish you the best of luck!! Let us know how it is going! Eileen.

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  • 1 month later...

HI Everyone,

I haven't posted in here in such a long time. It just felt like every time I posted, I got depressed even more. It felt good to get things off my chest and this site kept me from doing stupid things like calling Larry. But, at the same time, it kept the whole situation in the front of my mind. No real new updates to report. Larry is still with Kelley (I think). I told my friend I don't want to hear about them so she keeps quite unless it is juicy. It just hurts too much to know that he threw us away for someone who doesn't even care for him. Sucks big time. I'm still unemployed and that right now is the biggest issue for me now. Perfect jobs have come up but, they always say they don't like where I live. I need to live closer to the airport. So, I am moving. Nothing here to keep me here now. I miss Larry everyday. I don't cry everyday anymore. I have settled in my head that we will never be together and I really shouldn't want to be with a low life like that anyway. Still, it hurts.....missing all the fun stuff and a purpose to get out of bed. I need a job. It will help get things moving in a faster mode. I will have something else to think about. Mondays are the hardest. Everyone else gets up and goes to work. I have to think of a reason to clean up and figure out what to do with my time. I have always been a saver so, money right now isn't too big of an issue. It will run out though if I don't find something within the year. Back to Larry, I miss us terribly everyday. I miss my old life when I didn't know about him and her. Just think, only a short six months ago and he was my best friend and I was the happiest girl in the world. Live everyday to the fullest cuz, you never know when it will all be taken away.

Everyone take care. I'm going to recruiter sites to fill out more applications!

God bless everyone.

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You want him to hurt?? He will, when Kelly's husband finds out, and he will find out, it is only a matter of time. From reading your story, I get the impression that you have some self esteem issues. You put yourself down a lot, and truth is he is the pathetic one, not you. You are a woman that has loved deeply and been hurt by a jerk. She is young and pretty? So what, she won't be young forever and looks fade. He too, will tire of her and move on to the next floozy. Be strong, I know it is hard, but in time you will see that he's scum, Kelly's scum and they both deserve each other.

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I know that it is terrible to loose your life and habits because some careless person takes that from you.. I'm also considering moving away from the city where I was born and lived whole my life, I can't stand meeting him even once in a while.. Town is not big enough for both of us.. He also founded young girl for romantic life full of love, she is younger then me 5 years, he is 29.. Guess I'm too old for him.. Somehow I feel like that right now..

The thing I hate is that some people have so much luck when it comes to love, or at least they don't have hard breakups or they don't get dumped or cheated.. What did we do to deserve this, I keep wondering..

Be brave my dear friend, what else can we do? I hope with all my heart that you are stronger person then I am..

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey stormie,

I havent been on here in a long time but I looked for your thread just to say hello and see how you were. I think that it would be a really good idea for you to relocate and start over somewhere else. I really do think that that is a good idea for people at certain times in life. That is what turning over a new leaf and starting over is all about. A new beginning. I am planning on doing the same thing myself. I have a long term goal of being able to move within the next year and a half. I really want that and need that and I know that it will give me and my kids the fresh start that we so badly need and deserve. It sounds like you are hangin' in there though and you will be way over and done with it this time next year. Just remember to allow yourself the time that you need to heal and grow or learn from your situation..... I just keep telling myself that everyday. That all is not lost and that I go through everything that I go through for a reason. As cliche as that sounds it gives me hope and a sense of purpose when I feel lost. KIT, take care, Eileen.

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