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Bed Time

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Well guys, I discovered this site this morning and I've really gotten a lot out of it. Insights on No Contact will probably keep me from making an * * * of myself and preserve some dignity.

It was a nice relationship. I was actually loved and didn't get any black eyes this time.

I think everyone here would dig the chick that dumped me. Genuinely charming and caring. At least she was honest and kind when the deed had to be done although shocking and decisive.

New years is 2 years we first kissed. I'd been looking forward to my time off to see her this holiday.

Now it's bed time and I must fight the urge to call and say goodnight. It's been a week and I've called too much. Morning will be rough. Waking up and all the reality slams back in.

Why do we all get ourselves into this? Something that feels so good can hurt so bad. We tell ourselves, "I won't let myself get hurt again." Then we open up, yet again, to someone else and in the back of our minds we silently hope we won't get hurt, already undermining ourselves with insecurity.

Time only tells. May we all learn from all of our mistakes and look forward to meeting our mate. We sure as hell haven't found 'em yet!

It's just tiring, getting older with same ol' let down.

The one encouraging thing about this breakup, the mistakes that hurt me in the past I did not repeat this time. But I must avoid the "after the fact" mistakes though. I get hurt easy. Time to pull up the big boy pants.

Oh yeah, the morning time........sigh..but I'll remember I'm not alone.

Peace and sweet lovely dreams to all of you with love lost.

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Yeah I hear where your coming from. With the holidays and new years coming up. I just broke up with my ex 2 weeks ago...we had plans for xmas and he was supposed to come to my office party that's coming up. And actually our one year anniversary just past too.

We get ourselves into these things because when its good, its amazing and no matter what has happened to in past relationships, we will fall in love again and be happy. I have no regrets with any relationships that I've had.

Don't punish yourself for your mistakes, that's all in the past and blaming yourself is only a waste of time.

It will make you a better person for your next relationship! Good night

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I have the same problem. I can goto bed ok...or at least cry myself to sleep. But I cant control my dreams. I find myself dreaming that we are back together and everythings ok again only to wake up by myself and feeling so lonely.

Then i have to goto work and see her (it breaks my heart to see her and she looks so happy and untouched by what has happened) and keep in touch so we can sell the house we bought together. 3 years thrown out for the window and she wont give me a chance to redeem myself.

Aghh...hang in there dude. You're definitely not alone.

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Time to pull up the big boy pants.





Hang in there. It will take some time to feel and be independent again. Take some time for yourself and allow yourself to cry to get over this relationship. Spend time with friends and family over the holidays and especially on New Year's. Things will get better.

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