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so ive been dating my boyfriend for over two and a half years, we seem to have a great relationship but lately a whole mess of problems have risen...im finishing my thesis and find myself under a lot of stress... i would like to solely blame myself for the stress in our relationship but i know its not just my fault... our sex life is close to vanished, he seems to have stopped communicating with me and i just feel constantly let down by him..what is going on?

mostly i feel that he lets me down a lot...like when it comes to our intimacy...the romance is gone...he just wants to get in the car and go...doesnt like to warm it up anymore....and he seems to get very easily irritated by things i say or do but wont tell me...ugh i dont know what to do...does this happen in relationships?....are we just in a rut?....help....

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im finishing my thesis and find myself under a lot of stress... i would like to solely blame myself for the stress in our relationship but i know its not just my fault...


I am sure there is a lot more to the story, but could he feel like he is not a priority in your life? Being with someone who has a lot of success can make a man feel like he is in 2nd place (most men are insecure to feel that way, but if you strictly focus on that part of your life and not him, it can happen).


I am in my 30s, but, when I was in my 20s, career and me came 1st. There is nothing wrong with that. Maybe you are in a position to realize your personal dreams?

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nope there really isnt much more to my story we are a very happy couple that just seems to have come to a weird spot and i did sit him down and ask him what was wrong to the which i got the ultimate female answer "oh nothing" but his behavior obviously states there is so here i am at this point were i feel like i have tried pretty much everything to find out whats wrong and yet somehow i still feel like he is putting up this happy front.

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