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Okay.. well i wrote on here recently about my break up with my boyfriend




And this is whats been happening!

Well as i couldnt get hold of him, because his phone was cut of and said wrong number!

so today after 3dayz of nufink from him..

I get a txt from his sisters number..


"Its liam on my sisters phone.. i got a new number. Can you give my sister her phone back."

i txt her back

but no reply..so i phoned and spoke to liam

He sounded alright..we laughed and then we ended the convo with 'f off'

then i spoke to his sister..

she told me he dint have a good night last night. he went out and missed me.. and cried!

(theres me thiking what? whys he doing this then?)

so i say it to her.. and she says "she dunno"

I ask her if she thinks its over for good

and she says i dunno


Well anyway..

she passes the phone back to liam.. and i tell him sorry about earlier..and hes like.. what for?

I burst into tears and tell him i miss him.

and he says "i miss u to" please dont cry. it will start me off

He says he'll phone back later


he phones back and like.. he tells me that sean (our m8) wants to get with me.. and that.. i'm like yer whatever.. and we have a lil talk..

he says he'll phone me again later!!

what do i do???

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