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Yeah! It worked!... but...

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So... I met another cute guy today. At my yoga class. I noticed he had scrubs on and I kept wondering how i might talk to him, so as we were exiting I struck up a convo with someone else, chatted a bit, and then he and i ended up walking next to eachother and i asked how comfortable his pants were for yoga, we ended up having breakfast together at a cafe and talking for 1.5 hours... it was funny, easy convo and I thought we had a lot in common. At the very least he is a new friend, perhaps dating material, after all he is hot. He gave me his email address. Why not his phone number?? Why do people do that? Do I wait to write him??

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Maybe he isn't around to answer the phone? Especially if he's a doctor- cell phones aren't allowed on in hospitals usually.


And for some people, they're too busy and email is more convenient. Or they're no good on the phone. Or they don't feel comfortable giving out their phone number.


But anyaway, it sounds good- he spent over an hour talking to you so I think you're just looking for something to worry about, haha....

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sooo, an update is that we went on a date. called me for a movie, we saw a movie i'd been wanting to see for a while. we had a lot of fun talking, i felt, never lacked for words or fun conversation, laughs, easy going all that...


hmm... it was really good. i mean, in total we've talked on the phone a ton, spent that other day and last night were talking til 2:30 in the morning... he tried to kiss me and i wouldn't let him. i told him it wasn't anything personal, that i just want to wait cause i haven't dated anyone, i just want to wait for it to be right. after that, I tried to figure out what he's been doing for the last five years, turns out he was in the NFL as a pro-football player. I don't know why he stopped, I didn't ask. but we talked about his plans, he asked me a lot about mine. gave valuable input on it, really complimented my intelligence a lot. he is black and i'm white, and said that i should be a doctor because black people would feel comfortable with me. and that was cool that he said that.


but then... today, we were sending some emails back and forth. and i teased him about how i didn't kiss him, and he said, yeah it was awkward. and i told him that i was attracted to him obviously, but that i wanted it to be special. that i wanted to know who he was inside. and he wrote back.... awwwwww

and that was it.

what does that mean.

i wrote him back jokingly that i didn't like being patronized with a smile ;P like that. and that was about 1pm. he didn't say anything back... so i know it's still hella early to tell, only 4 hours... but... do you think i maybe shouldn't have been so open about what i felt. obviously, he could probably get anyone he wants....

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I hope he realises he is a lucky guy for having a girl friend who says what she means and means what she says. Awwwww means he thinks that what you said was sweet, wonders whether he can live up to that, thinks you're a nice girl..... It't great you're honest. You can always live a lie and fool him but in the end, you would be the loser.


You're doing great.


Good luck.

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