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What to do? She does not show the affection for me

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i have these strong feelings for this girl but i have this gut feeling that she likes me as a friend rather than having a relationship. we hang out together and talk on the phone but she does not show the affection for me..i can sorta feel it. i'm afraid that if i call her and hang out with her...i will get stronger feelings for her. do you think i should stop hanging out with her and cut down from calling her

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I think if you really feel like she really doesn't like you .. you may need to back off.. BUT you never know she may be one of those girls that doesn't show there feelings.. try to talk to her about it.. but tell her first you don't want things to get weird and if she doesn't feel the same way then you 2 can just be real cool.. maybe you will end up being real cool and then she will start to have feelings for you.. you never know .. but if i were you i would talk to her about it becuz you could ruin something real special if you just give up and cut it off with her ya know?!

well i hope i help ya a little!

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No guts no glory. If you don't tell her how you feel then you may always go around wondering "What If." I luckily had a good chance with the guy I am with now. He has liked me for a long time, but I was in a real bad relationship with a friend of his, and he didn't want to interfere. Fate brought us together though because he called me at work one day to get a quote on some auto ins., and he didn't even know that this was the office I was working at. He told me how he felt, but at the time I was with someone else, and then I got engaged, but that guy dumped me so I gave this one a chance. I haven't been dating him long, but things are working out real well. He even told my ex boyfriend who threatened me that he was talking to me, and was real interested in me. He also warned him that he has friends too so not to try anything. Anyways my point is if you were meant to be then it will happen, but if you don't take a risk you lengthen that wait. What harm could it cause? If she is a good friend, then she will understand, and if not she really wasn't your friend in the first place.

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