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Kissing and sex

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Do you prefer to be kissing during sex in a position that allows it, or would you rather just focus on the sex itself? I find it very sweet when the two are combined and I loooove kissing after haing sex, but would just like the know what most people think, especially men. The man I am with likes it, so I can't complain, but there is one thing that bothers me a little. Sometimes after sex, he will not want to kiss me...is that just a sign he might be worn out? Or is it a deeper issue?


Thanks for answering!

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I like kissing during sex and so does my partner. But I know one of my girlfriends REALLY hates it. She says she looses all concentraton and everyhitng. She's also got this thing about keeping her shirt on. Anybody else for thet? I usually take mine off, but sometimes I wear it. It all depends.

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For me kissing is a very important part of love making. I love to caress her face, her hair and kiss her neck, chin, earlobes, ears, cheeks and some really passionate kisses for her lips.


To answer another question: If the guy really loves you, he would hold you dearly and give you soft kisses all over after you've both come. If I really like/love someone, I cant get enough of them, and would not let go of them in bed. Will spoon them, make them spoon me, touch and kiss, cuddle and go to sleep.


Grrrrrrrrrrrr Ashleyyy, look what you have done to me. Now all I want is someone I can do this with, and I don't have anyone currently in my life. Sigh!

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If the guy really loves you, he would hold you dearly and give you soft kisses all over after you've both come.


Absolutely disagree. "if he loves you" is not true... I loved my ex, and sometimes after sex, I just didn't feel like kissing... actually I felt like holding her and just closing my eyes... Doesn't mean i didn't love her lol.


Really kissing during and afterwards depends on the mood/type of sex.


When its fast and hard, then the kisses are brief random and aggressive. When its a bit slower, then well, you kiss slower... and probably more often.


So after both have come (or just one haha), usually if it was rough and hard... maybe a few kisses then its getup and get doing things time. If it was slow and passionate probably a few kisses then holding.


Overall, sexual acts no matter how bizarre or... how "without" they are... its between you and your partner. You guys choose the boundaries to play within.


EDIT: Forgot to mention. I don't know about some guys, but sometimes after I have sex, I find myself wanting to get away from the person i just had sex with. I don't know why, its random... I still haven't figured out why i sometimes feel like such, but I'm sure it has something to do with the built up tension then the sudden dramatic let go. I find I have more of a drastic case when i masturbate. Like if I'm looking at porn, i just want to close down all the sites instantly... I just can't look at them anymore.


When I'm with a partner this happens less so.



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Hahaha!! That happens to me too, the porn thing, guess it makes me feel ashamed for looking at those sites and actually pleasuring myself. But when me and my ladyfriend finish having sex I usually dont mind cuddling... my ex on the other hand was a special breed, she hated cuddling after sex. never did find out why

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Hahaha!! That happens to me too, the porn thing, guess it makes me feel ashamed for looking at those sites and actually pleasuring myself. But when me and my ladyfriend finish having sex I usually dont mind cuddling... my ex on the other hand was a special breed, she hated cuddling after sex. never did find out why


Haha good to hear I'm not a weird one.


Overall, what you do in the confines of your relationship, and how you go about post-coital (how you spell that word?) affection, is up to you.


I typically like kissing/cuddling. But times when I just don't want to. Depends on the day, and whats been going on recently.



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I have been with a woman who didn't understand the difference between kissing and inserting her tongue down my throat as aggressively as possible. So understandably, I wanted no part of what she had to offer me after an orgasm. In fact the kissing with her was terrible all the way around the block. All I'll say about the rest of those adventures is that you definitely cannot judge anything by the way a woman kisses. Bad kisses can still mean awesome sex overall.


Normally I love kissing afterwards!

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men "decompress" in a sense after sex while women are more alert and in need of affection. totally contradictory....



I dont know how to put that in quote form, I know LAME!


Im not at all alert after sex, unless its still in the sex session, like foreplay...during and after that Im ready to roll over on mys ide and go to sleep lol.


Usually "he" cums, And than we cuddle a little bit...After we rest a little, Its either him or me going down to the destinationf or a final BLAST! lol, Ok Im done talking about this...


Whether its a lot of kissing, a little kissing or hardly any kissing, Its all up to the people's relationship, its not necessarily a bad thing to not kiss during sex....Speak up to the person in most cases, they just think thats what there mate wants....


Ive always wondered if it upsets the guy if i get a little tired after sex and then start getting even more tired while im giving him a hand job, ,u wrist can onlys tand so much, ya know?

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i think he might be worn out already after such a hot exercise . normally kiss take place before sexual .kiss may bring lady to that destination which man "desire" most .but after what he got , he would normally ignore it or too tired to do the same thing .

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Interesting question, and surprisingly enough, I tend not to kiss as much as my partner would like, during sex.


I have what some might classify as "intimacy issues", and I wonder if that has something to do with it. When I'm kissing, I'm kissing, and when I'm copulating, I'm copulating, I haven't quite yet learned how to appropriately fuse the two.


Wait that's a lie, I love kissing while climaxing.

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