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What is wrong with this guy?

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This guy who I used to go out with back in the day is friends with my brother present day. I am very interessed in him again and and would like to be with him. BUt I am in the middle of a divorce and he says that once my divorce is final we can give it a shot. We hang out on the weekends together, have a great time cause it is like a mini party were he will sit and talk with me and hang out and hang with my brother at the same time. He smiles at me when he is talking to me, all we do is laugh. We play fight and like the same things. BUt I overheard my bother say on the phone to his girlfriend that this guy I like was complaining to him about his girlfriend, and I am like !?!?!? He never said anything about having a girlfriend, and why is he spending his weekends hanging out with me rather than his girl? I am so confused? Can someone help me out here?


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My brother leaves and hangs with his girlfriend, and we are left alone and he stay till like 4 am...So I am confused. PLus a few weeks before he said we needed to hang out more and now he is coming around more often, ahhhh I don't know



Unless his gf is doing some other activity then it would appear that he is neglecting her in order to hang out with you.

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I don't think it's fair to pursue a man when you are still a married woman. Separated is "still married." I would say wait until at least a year after your divorce is final before thinking about a relationship with another man. Being upset with him for having a girlfriend is a bit ironic considering that you are still legally married. Why would you want to subject him to your complicated life right now?

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I guess that is true. really true. I just don't want to be lonely and I truly honestly have feelings for him that go way further than a good time on a friday night. For so long I have thought about everyone else in my life and put myself out there and now being alone I feel like I can look out for myself and do what I want. So this truly sucks...

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I don't think it's fair to pursue a man when you are still a married woman. Separated is "still married." I would say wait until at least a year after your divorce is final before thinking about a relationship with another man. Being upset with him for having a girlfriend is a bit ironic considering that you are still legally married. Why would you want to subject him to your complicated life right now?


I agree that she should take some time to figure things out but and would not set an arbitrary amount of time. It is a horrible thing to get into a relationship just because you are lonely, have more of a resolve and take some time to get yourself in order before you start a new relationship.

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first of all - true, "separated" still means "married", but it also means that you are free, or on the verge of being free again. so once your divorce is final, you can really get involved with someone without having to worry about any legal issues.


second of all, if he has a gf, why is he coming on to you? why is he flirting or hanging out with you so often? not my intention to sound controlling or anything, but shouldn't you spend more time with someone when you love them? anyway, i'd talk straight up to the man in question and ask him what the deal is with this "girlfriend" you've heard about. if he is honest about it, or if you have misheard what your brother has said, it's always the best way to clarify things to other people and to you.


hope the confusion goes away soon



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