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Quick Birth Control Inquiry

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My gf went on the pill like 2-3 weeks ago. Officially she's supposed to wait a month i think before the pill is 99% effective. Everyone we've spoken to says 2 weeks is enough tho. I'm not sure why i'm posting this because for the sake of two more weeks I have no desire to risk getting my gf pregnant (we're 18 and in college). i guess i'd just like other ppl's input to out of curiosity. thanks!

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No, you are not fully protected from the first pill, as the hormones haven't fully regulated themselves that early on.


Wow, NI, I am sorry they had told you that.


If you start the pill, the first day of your period, it's more effective to prevent pregnancy the first few months, however, it's best to wait a month for the pill to become more effective.


Pills are made from exogenous hormones, synthetic hormones that mimic the ones in your body, so it takes some time, for everything to reregulate your cycle.


If you absolutely cannot wait one month, you can stay on your pill, and use a spermicide or the sponge, to further prevent pregnancy, but again the effectiveness wouldn't be as high as it would be for waiting one month.


Here's about the sponge:

Contraceptive Sponge - This is a soft, disk shaped device, with a loop for removal. It is made out of polyurethane foam and contains the spermicide nonoxynol-9. The sponge is 84 to 91% effective at preventing pregnancy in women who have not had a child and 68 to 80% for women who have had a child.

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Hugs, Rose

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As PP said.. if you start the first day of your period, you are told two weeks at the least.. but if you start your first pill after the first day of your period then it's 1 full month. But I was told either way it's the safest for you to wait 1 full month and have one period before just trusting in the pill if taken correctly everyday

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just use another method for the first month, condoms, sponge, etc. to be safe.


btw, birth control pills can be affected by things like antibiotics, so make sure your girlfriend reads ALL the precautions in the literature insert they give you that comes with the pills. that is the safest way to know what to do and avoid a surprise pregnancy... that insert should also tell you when they are and are not effective.

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