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I see him almost every day, but....

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Hi everyone!

I really need your help. I'm an Italian girl who has fallen for a beautiful American guy.

Anyway, I'm 17 and he's over 20, maybe over 25, but the age doesn't matter. He works at the Leasing Office of the complex where I live, and I see him all the time a package arrives (when I go and pick it up there), or whenever my dad sends me there with a check.

Every time I go into the office, he's sitting at his desk and as soon as he sees me, he comes to me with a big smile and his eyes spark... then he says Hi and How're you doing today... maybe we say something about the weather or something else stupid and that's it. I give him the check or take my package, say bye and everything it's over in less than 3 minutes...

I've reason to believe he's interested in me: the smile, the eyes that are constantly looking into mine (I know that, even if I always look away, cause I'm too shy...), and looking at me while I go out the office.

It's been like this for a few months now. Now I get back from vacation and go to the pool, which is in front of his window, and I see him when he has his cigarette break outside.

Today, he was talking to the lifeguard while I was there and stayed there half an hour (every now and then he loked at me and I did too, but not for more than half a second...). Then when I went away I said Bye and he did too with a big smile...

The fact is that I really like him and I think I might have a chance with him, but don't know how/what to tell him something other than Hi and Bye!!!!!!

I know his name (because of his tag on the shirt) but never introduced formally (he doesn't know mine).

I 'd like to go out with him sometime, but how do I ask him out???

Consider everything please and try to help me as soon as possible, pleeeez..



Thanks in advance...




Obstacles are those things you see when you take your eyes off the goal (Henry Ford)
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first TELL HIM YOUR NAME lol..when you talk just be like "Oh my names blahblah".. That is very important and if he remembers your name then he just might be interested. However, I am bad with names and girls do get the wrong idea when I say "what is your name again?" but ya its good stuff..

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Sounds like you will have to make the 1st move toward a real conversation. He is one of two things: 1) Too shy 2) Not interested in anything else but being friendly. If you get positive signals out of him like you say you are - go for it. If he's too shy to approach you and you are the same - NOTHING will happen. GOO GOO eyes without action = no dates. Someone will have put their balls on the line here (pardon the expression). Read some conversational tips on this site and give it a go!

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