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I find myself crying late at night when I am alone thinking about him. I tried not to think of him but the memories just wont go away. This break up thing is really hurtful and it's killing me. I don't know what to do. I want to find a help group, but I don't know where to start and I thought this forum might help me get over. I want someone to listen to me while I pour my self out. Keeping it in is killing me.


It's been two month since the break up and I haven't talk to him since. What hurt the most is not being able to say how I feel, not able to tell him how much he hurt me. They say the best things in life are free. Well, I can't say that his love was free. I don't know why I still miss him. It's so hard to rebuild again.

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Hey Moving On - Welcome to ENA!!


i think you just may have stumbled on the most helpful forum on the internet!!


I'm so sorry for what you're going thru.


If it will be helpful to get out what you're feeling, just to be able to say it, write a letter to him. Post it here. i'll "listen" (read it anyway)


There are a WHOLE ton of people going thru what you are out here. I know you'll get some great support here.


Glad you found us!!



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Hi Mo~I'm really sorry you are hurting so badly. Many of us are and we are right there with you like Camber said, we understand the deep hurt because we have all been there, or are still there and recovering. I urge you to read

"Down I go" as well. (and join us if you like) but there are SO many good threads out there. For right now take good care of you and start reading reading reading, and posting...soon you will find yourself wanting to help others as well. You will see that you can get through this~it will take time and it will not be easy, but you will be okay.

Take Good Care~


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Hey MO,


Like Ta Ree mentioned, you are in the right place. You will find a lot of support, not to mention some really great advice.


First and formost. know that what you are feeling is 100% normal. (Does it make you feel better to know that? Probably not)


Crying is good, dont try to hold it in. Its a big part of healing, and will make you feel better. Like Camber said, pour your heart out here, go into deatil about what happened an how your feeling, post often and in detail.


Many poeple in here know what your going through. Hang in there kid. We are gonna help ya!



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Moving On: Yep you sound like I did a few weeks ago, and sometimes I'm still not in very good shape. It will help for you to get it all out and talk to us all at the thread "Down I Go" you are welcome as my pals above have mentioned...


You will feel better to rant....



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Hi, Moving On.


I'm sorry to hear that you are going through the hell that is being dumped. I know, I was there a month and a couple weeks ago. And I think the reason that you're still there is that, from what I read, you haven't been talking to anyone about it.


I can tell you that my friends and family have been more help than I could ever have imagined. This forum helped too; it really helps to be able to get things off your chest.


Your ex might not be there anymore, but we are here for you, and your friends are there for you as well. The journey through hell does have an end, but you do have to walk through it to get there. Let us walk with you.

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This is what happened. I met this guy. He was decent, a little unrealistic but kind and gentle. He was polite at first, but after a while he started being a polite * * * * * * *. I was good to him. He called me crazy. Well, what did he expect me to react when I treated him like king and in return he treated me like an object that he want to take back to store for a refund? I feel so unappreciated. I got mad, called him every name after all the nasty stuffs he called me. I don’t think I am crazy.


It was so hard to get him to listen to me. He never listens to a word I said. So, before he pushes me out I wrote on his torn and mildew wall all the things I wanted him to know. I wrote all the promises he made to me. I was so desperate, I wanted him to know the pain he cause me. I don’t know if that was crazy or not. I don’t know anymore.


It hurt to know that he was looking for someone else the next day I left. And I am still here mopping and crying over his sorry little * * *.


To forget about him I took up a waitressing job and work my * * * off. I’m not home that much, but when I do find myself at home, in my big bed, alone, at night, I find myself thinking about all the good time and him. What hurt the most is he seems to be moving on too fast.


I wonder if he thinks about me. I wonder if I’ll ever see him again.


Thanks for all of your support and comment.

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hi moving on,

good news is you are at the last place to vent - even better news is you are one day closer to meeting the guy who will treat you like the princess you are. so for now le't work at getting you better. Sounds to me like his needs came first to him. not very nice of him to treat you so nastly....though not quite sure what actually triggered things off, but someone willing to walk away so easily is not really someone you want on your side in battle - and God only knows that life is a battle! do you have any new hobbies you can try out? i fund keeping busy helps and also you will think of the good times but also think of the not so good times which is why you are where you are and if you think that you are now free of those 'not so good' times, well that's a bonus for a start........keep posting and keep chin up.....we'll get you there....loads of virtual hugs coming your way!!!

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Moving On: Hey I hear yeah, I'm still hurting after over 2 months, you are better than him, I went thru the same kinda hurt....... I loved him to the moon, to the stars, and to infinity, he just didn't have any morals.......


You need to stick with us, we can help, believe me I am healing, this site has done soo much for me... let us help ok?





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I have been thinking about messageing him, but i can't bring self to do that. I feel so * * * *ting most of the time. The only thing that keep me going is thinking that i am doing so much better than he is and i am so much a better person. I'm not trying to brag, but it feel good to be independent and be on my own and being able to take care of myself and pays my bills, but it's so lonely sometimes. I don't have him to worry about anymore. I used to try to keep him happy by giving him what he wants. yeah, i spoilded him like a child because i love him so much and that love slap me back in the face and it hurt. i am healing, little bit at a time.


I was talking to my mother the other day and this is what she said to me, "You're a pretty girl. why do you want trash?" Because i thought he was someone who has the heart of gold.


Another thing i'm doing now is keep a recording of my feeling and thoughts. i keep a journal and i do voice recording so that i can listen to myself and stop myself when i am being fool again.


i don't know if this is the right choice to do but i signed up for a dating site and i got some contacts, but it's scaring the heck out of me. that is one of the reason why i'm still holding on becauase i don't know if there are anyone good out there. I'm just too scare.

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