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loll... it's amazing that when you finally have completely forgotten about them, they just come back into ur life....

Me and Ex J went out 2gether for a year and half .. things didn't work i have an independent nature , she is the clingy type and still had a lot to learn in relationships. we were in the 18s...

Fast forward 1 1/2 she broke up with me ..did some beggin.. got back in my shoes and moved on ... as some point we were * * * * buddies but i was hoping that we would get back together ...eventually it failed horribly ... anger frustration set in as i could not realise how som1 who claimed to love you forever could just use u for sex and really have no other emotional attachment.

Fast forward 2 years later on , new gf that i adore who is twenty fold more brillant than my ex in terms of social life , attitude , work ,etc ... got a good job , we r planning on buying a house and i really get very well along with. I completely forgot about my ex ..at sometimes i would run into som1 that we both knew but i didn't care ... i would not be surprised that she gets the word about me beeing seen.

And now a fun evening i check my emails and horror an email from my ex.

The subject beeing when was the last time i got tested for aids... what the hell...i have been regularly tested for aids and the fact that she asked me about it furied me...we have 2 different lives and just bluntly asking me that after 2 years of no contact was excessively rude to me.

So i replied , busted her on it saying that she is a big girl, to be responsible for her actions and if she behaved like a promescious girl within those 2 years to get tested and manage her own life.

Thinking about it , i really doubt that she really has somth , she used to create dramatic situations to get attention ...ex: i'm pregnant, i cut my wirst, i'm going to commit suicide , etc ...


She replied i'm sorry and beeing all nice

Now i am kind of at lost ...because even though it's a mixture of hate and love i would like to have her someway as a friend in my life ..like a friend u see once in a while and exchange news.


But realisticly there are all of the problems it can create (with my current gf, she is very social but hey!!! , my feelings may fall again in the i love u pattern ) ... i doubt that she is more sane and more of a better person but i'm unsure of the road to take from here.


Either i can reply and obvisouly contact is going to be re-established or I can just delete the email and hope to never hear from her again.

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Not to bust on ya, but you totally know what is going to happen. ;-)


She is going to pull you in/down again and you are going to let her? The email appears to be something to get a rise out of you. I can remember some awful things I said and/or did when I was much younger, but not now.


Please just let her go. Why would you want to have her as a friend anyway, if the current GF is all that? Think about it...

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