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Everything posted by Dolce_Vita

  1. loll... it's amazing that when you finally have completely forgotten about them, they just come back into ur life.... Me and Ex J went out 2gether for a year and half .. things didn't work i have an independent nature , she is the clingy type and still had a lot to learn in relationships. we were in the 18s... Fast forward 1 1/2 she broke up with me ..did some beggin.. got back in my shoes and moved on ... as some point we were * * * * buddies but i was hoping that we would get back together ...eventually it failed horribly ... anger frustration set in as i could not realise how som1 who claimed to love you forever could just use u for sex and really have no other emotional attachment. Fast forward 2 years later on , new gf that i adore who is twenty fold more brillant than my ex in terms of social life , attitude , work ,etc ... got a good job , we r planning on buying a house and i really get very well along with. I completely forgot about my ex ..at sometimes i would run into som1 that we both knew but i didn't care ... i would not be surprised that she gets the word about me beeing seen. And now a fun evening i check my emails and horror an email from my ex. The subject beeing when was the last time i got tested for aids... what the hell...i have been regularly tested for aids and the fact that she asked me about it furied me...we have 2 different lives and just bluntly asking me that after 2 years of no contact was excessively rude to me. So i replied , busted her on it saying that she is a big girl, to be responsible for her actions and if she behaved like a promescious girl within those 2 years to get tested and manage her own life. Thinking about it , i really doubt that she really has somth , she used to create dramatic situations to get attention ...ex: i'm pregnant, i cut my wirst, i'm going to commit suicide , etc ... She replied i'm sorry and beeing all nice Now i am kind of at lost ...because even though it's a mixture of hate and love i would like to have her someway as a friend in my life ..like a friend u see once in a while and exchange news. But realisticly there are all of the problems it can create (with my current gf, she is very social but hey!!! , my feelings may fall again in the i love u pattern ) ... i doubt that she is more sane and more of a better person but i'm unsure of the road to take from here. Either i can reply and obvisouly contact is going to be re-established or I can just delete the email and hope to never hear from her again.
  2. I was 3 hours late making it to the city but when i called her and set up the restaurent i was on time ... she supposelly was inside i was at the entrance and after an 3/4 h of seein no one i left ... i tried calling her no answer ... but the point that traumatizes me is how can u so baddly pissed off and not return calls specially when u first meet someone ...?
  3. thx a lot jna35 ..I guess that`s probably the best thing to do ..but how is it possible to so badly be wanting to see someone for weeks and at the last moment u get so close to it ... everything get blown out of proportion for the worst becuz of a missed train
  4. In general I know how to behave around women and most of the times that I spent with them is fun and everything always seem to turn out of the best. I met a woman online , she lives in my state but about 2-3 hours drive from my city. This girl really set my soul on fire and we spent hours on the phone and chattin sometimes from midnite to 4-5 am ... brief it was a very pleasant talking to her and we decided to meet each other ..so i had to travel about a few hundred miles..i missed my original departure time and arrived a few hours later than expected ... we made plan to go to a restaurent and when i made it there i didn't see her , waited for about 1/2 hour , tried callin her .. no answer .. finally later in the evening i get a hold of her and she's angry stating she was there in the restaurant and i stood her up ... i was shocked in disbelief ..either she is an awfull liar or we really missed each other ... so with sarcastic and good humor jokes i stated that i came to the city to see her, and it would a shame not seein her ..she said she would give me a call later because she is a friend house and thinking about goin to play pool and we'll meet there.... the night passed no call from her ... no answering to my calls it's a cellphone and i know she has it on her ..i left 3 msg with numbers and everything to reach me ... nuttin ..nada ... so i went back home the following day ... it feels very awful to be stood up nowhere hundred miles of ur home because u had faith in someone and was willin to cross the distance .... it feels really bad becuz i never expected she could do smth like that specially that she seemed so sweet... now i'm at loss ..not knowing to do, confused ..specially that this is the 1st i ever given so much credit i barely knew ...
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