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gosh its so hard to stop contact with my ex! i keep end up talking to him!

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we broke up 3 weeks ago.. was in contact briefly for a little bit.. until we got into an argument!! it was something stupid but we screamed at each other n etc! so, two days ago I told him lets not talk for awhile and to give time...cus we still argue and were not a couple anymore. so i decided to go NC...but this morning....i get a flat tire n i of course called him cus it was an emergecny and i didnt kno what to do.. same thing a week ago.. i contacted him again cus i got into a bad car accident too... its werid... things keep happening to me.. is something wrong with me? why cant i stop contacting him! i know its hard and i keep want to try not talking for awhile but its hard!!


what can i do u guys? i dont wanna keep talkin to him n bothering him... i just want some time to myself...n give him time to himself.......so later we could be friends or something.......


i know i still love/care for him...and its really hard to let go of it.. he showed how he care for me...although we were having a big problem ( couldnt solve) sad, but he had to end the relationship. we were arguing too much and gettin on each others nerves...


if we could solve the problem, i would get back with him..cus we were just having one big problem and that was it...everything else is okay.


any suggestions?

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There's no one else you could call?

Maybe it's a habit you should break.


no, i have no familes here or friends.. he was all i had that was close to me.. kinda sad but its true... i usually dont depend on ppl.. cus things dont happen to me....but recently jus happens i dont know why. its werid.

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Were the arguments about things that could have been fixed if you had approached them differently? Sometimes it's the way that you argue about issues that makes you break up rather than the issues themselves?


Perhaps you could try again if you were given some help about how to get things fixed.

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Well, My bf ( ex now) lives with an ex ( dated 13yrs ago).( and also living with 5 other people) .although they are friends......I was having issues with it........this is something we cant fix......but if he was to move out.......then it will be solved.....and he knows it too.


Nothing I can do now...Things happened for a reason

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If he was to move out it would be solved? I think you have trust issues here. If he's living with his ex and other ppl but he's with YOU, then you just gotta trust that he only wants to be with YOU. And as for calling him all the time to help you, you haven't made any friends where you live? That's a little uncommon, try and break the habit though.

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If he was to move out it would be solved? I think you have trust issues here. If he's living with his ex and other ppl but he's with YOU, then you just gotta trust that he only wants to be with YOU. And as for calling him all the time to help you, you haven't made any friends where you live? That's a little uncommon, try and break the habit though.


I would had trusted him more....but things were gettng werid as far as i saw it......maybe i was havin trust issues..... but who wouldnt feel tat way if ur bf lives with an ex. plus, his ex was bein mean n a * * * * * to me.. so made things worse as is.. anyways, i gues i couldnt handle the situation.


i have friends but they all moved far away....we dont really talk that much......but yea u are right...i'l try to stop talking or asking for his help

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