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So I know this sounds like absolutely redundant of all these posts, and also very paranoid but I just need peoples advice

It is getting to the point where I am paranoid out of my mind to even fool around. I know of all birth control methods so please do not lecture me because I do know, just everyone enjoys just having sexual fun, even if it is away from sex which I do, and I hate being paranoid. Let me just say that me and my girlfriend were masturbating together, separate but together. And I accidentally touched my penis where pre-cum had come out, I know I rubbed it on a blanket or something because I remember being like ok can't finger her yet. Well afterwards I did finger her for a long time , and it was enjoyable ,but I am just wondering I know that I have researched a lot and wikipedia encyclopedia says that unless previously masturbated pre cum does not contain sperm , but here is my question I know if I had a lot of semen on my hand she could get pregnant by fingered her, but what about just a tiny bit of pre cum and we didn't even have sex? Tell me I know it is possible but very very very very very little chance? And also she had just finished her period the day before so that means she isn't that fertile yet correct because woman usually ovulate between day 10-14? Please answer my questions….pleaseee



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Sperm is like a bunch of little guys trying to swim up stream like a salmon. It only takes one to fertilize the egg however. And in your case only time will tell, and worrying won't solve your possible problem. That will take a doctor if she does not get her next period.


I suggest if you are going to have sex, you have protected sex, and then you hopfully will not have this problem again. I think you are going to be ok, its a long shot but stranger things have happened. You will know if she does not have her period is her next cycle. Be smart ..........think!


Good Luck

Be Safe


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I think what kuhl meant was penetration with your fingers.

Either way, if there`s sperm in your precum, and they come in contact with liquid they will swim where it goes. Doesn`T matter whether you`re actually having sex or not, if they get into liquid that leads to the egg, they swim for it.

From what I`ve learnt, in your case I think there`s only a slight chance, like everyone says.

But if you`re paranoid, it might just be easier to go to the family planning clinic for a morning after pill, rather than stress about it for the next month.

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I guess it's possible if you were absolutely destined to get her pregnant...but it is HIGHLY unlikely. She would have to be on her most fertile day and you would have had to have the strongest sperm in the world on your finger.


It can happen, but chances are you're safe.


For your own sake, be more careful next time.

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