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why do guys DO this???


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I agree... that is TOTALLY rude....He made plans with you and didn't have the deceny to tell you what was going on....


I know that you probably "like" him still and are trying to figure out why he would treat you so poorly.... But.. the reality is.. he did treat you poorly.. I wouldn't waste your time with him.....

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haha for some guys thats an effective technique. it does many things;

1. he gets to see another side of you that may change his opinion about you

2. adds a twist, now hes hoping that your going to chase him instead

3. women seem to become more interested in a guy that stood her up. it adds a dimension of "curiosity"

and most of all...

4. he gets to brag to all his friends


haha, truthfully you never really know what could have happened. id say give him another chance and if he screws up again then he probably isnt worth the time.


Not all guys are this way, only ones who are not reliable and enjoy playing games. A guy or girl who behaves this way has done the person they stood up a big favor. She sees this side of him upfront, and if she's wise, she will NOT give him a second chance. We already know he was not unconscious in a hospital or some other life or death emergency that precluded him making the 15 second phone call that would have politely postponed the date.

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if he's like that now, imagine how he'd be when things started to settle down in a later phase!!

Please don't even consider talking to him. He didn't even think twice about not calling you or anything, and he even told you that your plans were still on for the evening!! He sounds like he's got some serious issues. You can do WAYYYY better than him.

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  • 1 year later...

HELLO!!!!! The guy is an idiot and a * * * * and a game-player, don't waste your time! Why do girls DO THIS??? A man can be a complete jerk and yet the girl will sit around and wait for this complete jerk to FINALLY drop her a crumb. Stay away from people like this!!! Would YOU do this to someone? NO! So don't take it from anyone else. DON'T call him anymore at all. This is how he is always going to act. You don't need it.

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