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I was think about getting one back then just to see what its like to kiss, makeout and have fun with a girl...But its just a game for an hour..and only thing she wants is your $$..She can care less about you..Just giving you an act to make you happy ..Also she could have diseases that you can get..Only way I would get one is if I was 85 yrs old, still single and still a virgin then maybe..but still not sure..

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I feel really bad, I used to pay my visit and have been stopping myself to make a move for half a year and I now feel the urge to get back there, but I tend to remind myself of the money I lost to them, so I usually masturbate when I feel the urge to restrain myself. Problem is, the rage is piling up slowly and somehow I feel like going even just once. Please help, am I normal?

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I feel really bad, I used to pay my visit and have been stopping myself to make a move for half a year and I now feel the urge to get back there, but I tend to remind myself of the money I lost to them, so I usually masturbate when I feel the urge to restrain myself. Problem is, the rage is piling up slowly and somehow I feel like going even just once. Please help, am I normal?


If they were widely available in my area and I was single... I'd probably do it all the time. It would just be so convenient...

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Also.. lots of people go to prostitutes. It's been around forever.


Too much of anything can be a bad thing though. If seeing prostitutes starts to have a negative effect on your life (losing all of your money and being unable to pay for food/bills, interfering with work/school... etc.) then it's becoming an addiction and you'll need to get it under control.

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You can't really ask anyone else if something is moral/normal/good/bad, etc.


It's all about how you feel about it, and seeing as you are posting about it - I would hazzard a guess that you feel guilty about it.



Wasting money, toying with your sexual health, depending on where you live it could be illegal, making a woman feel inferior, etc etc etc.



You fulfill your sexual urges...

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If you are in a relationship, you could seriously hurt someone you care about.

If you have the money, there are surely better ways to spend it.

If you use a condom, it cannot offer you full protection and you could still get HIV and other STDs.

If the prostitute likes sex, do you not care that she will have it with absolutely anyone with the cash?


Please do get in the habbit of masturbating only or in the future when you feel frustrated when you are in a relationship, it will seem all to easy to revisit the prostitution days.


Many prostitutes take drugs in order to be able to do their job and you help to fund their habbit.


I agree that you should use your cash to go out and meet people and hopefully meet someone who wants to be with you as much as you want to be with them.

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I feel really bad, I used to pay my visit and have been stopping myself to make a move for half a year and I now feel the urge to get back there, but I tend to remind myself of the money I lost to them, so I usually masturbate when I feel the urge to restrain myself. Problem is, the rage is piling up slowly and somehow I feel like going even just once. Please help, am I normal?


Yea, completely normal. You can sublimate and turn you sexual drives towards masterbation, but this doesn't fill you archetype fully, its 2nd rate. Everyone just has a drive towards reproduction from birth and you can't get away from it, the girl who said you should turn towards god and reason, rationality. Well, if you want an unhappy life then its an option. Repressing drives, which all religion does can make unhappy. Religion is all about thou shalt not, it doesn't exactly enhance life.


Plus for me ur will, passion, unconscious, r a prior to ur conscious reason and rationality these r secondary in the psyche. The ego is over-rated. Your will is the most powerful force in your soul.


btw, i can relate with the rage and pressure building up. Its just like an energy force, something freud called libido. Like anger it just builds and builds. So, have fun, meet them drives and the neurosis should slowly dwindel- even if it means visiting a few prostitues on occasion, if you comfortable with it.


I remember reading a fully story about sublimation, where some celibate priests were collecting pornography magazines and having a meeting about them in church and saying 'look at this digust, filth' etc. When without them consciously knowing it was their sexual drives leaking out, in sublimated ways- it was impossible for them to repress them fully- they just came out in other avenues.

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I think you should first determine if you have made this into a habit, for if it is, then its bad because a habits is an urge in its own and the action is the only way to fullfil it, if you feel your visits are beginning to form a habit find alternatives. I'm not saying you should stop but dont do it as often because habits have a way to manifest themselves at the most inconvinent moments.

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