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I need poem for a girl I like!


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Ok well most of you know my problem, but if you dont ill re-write it for you.


Ok I am trying to get with a girl i love but the problem is that she has a boyfriend so i have sent her love letter after love letter and poem after poem but the problem is I have ran out of thoughts for poems.


So if you have any poems that you dont mind me using please let me know and reply and put the poem on there, but im basiccly looking for a poem that is about loving a certain girl and keeping in mind about a boyfriend somewhere in the poem but if you dont have that and its just a love poem then if i can use it please respond.







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I dont have any poems that I can suggest offhand but I recommend you checking out the poems in this forum. if you wish to use any of the poets words, make sure you ask their permission and Im sure someone will be willing to help you out. Beware if she has a bf already, that is a sticky situation and you could get burned badly. She may not be resonding because she is happy in her current relationship. try not to be too pushy or it will lessen your chances of being with her in the future. I wish the best to you either way.

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Hey, just a couple of things.


This girl has a boyfriend, that should be territory u dont touch, put yourself in her mans shoes, how would u feel if some1 was trying 2 steal her???


Secondly, I write a lot of poems on here and wouldn't really like some1 taking them off as there own, so check with the author!!


Why not write your own?? It'll be better then coz it'll come from your heart and not some1 elses.


Good luck

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