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Friends are angry...

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So... going out with this girl again (Like the 4th or 5th time we've broken up and not been able to resist getting back together)... and all of my friends are livid...


Puts me in an awkward position because I want to keep the friends happy... but I don't want to leave this girl... I love her, ya know?


What am I supposed to do... quite a few people have abandoned my side... left my "family" becuase of this...

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Personally i don't like lightswitch relationships, people are abandoning you bcause they probably feel that this girl is no good for you. Basically you have to solve the problems that create the break-ups so that you two can have a steady relationship and staying together, otherwhise your just steering towards another break up. If you two show that you can stay together, then the family will eventually side back with you if the reputation of this girl and yourself improves that is.

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Just... stupid little things... most recent one (lasted from Friday until Sunday when she called saying she wanted me back) was just because she felt she needed a break...

Everyone says she treats me like crap, doesn't appreciate me, doesn't work at the relationship as much as I do, and is being fickle...

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how much of that would u be able to honestly agree with? and r u happy with the way ur relationship with her is going? it seems a bit shaky but if ur happy with it, its ok i guess.

u wont lose ur friends over this mate, they'll tell u what they think and might avoid the topic of u and her in conversation but they'll still be there for u. jst hear them out tho ay? talking to her abt it could be walking on real thin ice but it's up to u, i personally think u shud. but again, if ur happy with the relationship, let it be. i reckon ur friends will approve if she becomes more stable n treats u somewhat like they expect u to be treated by ur gf.

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It just hurts that these friends that have stuck by me are angry over this...

But if I try to warn them of someone they like, they tell me to shutup and that I'm not giving that person a chance (even if I know that person and who they will act)... they tell me they don't want my opinion unless they ask.


Told them the same thing and they said it doesn't matter...

I want my friends to be happy, but I want myself to be happy as well...

I love my girlfriend with all my heart, and I'm stuck... I don't want to leave her, but everyone is gettin' angry...

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I would be careful also. A lot of times our friends can see things that we can't. It's hard to see things clearly when you are right in the middle of the situation. On and off again relationships don't seem to usually work out. That's how it seems to me, and if your friends are saying something maybe they have good points. I know you are angry, but it's also frustrating when you watch friends keep going back to people who are not good for them. I've been on both sides of the situation, so I know how it feels. Hope everything works out for you!

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