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he never took a chance with me..and now he came back while I'm with someone else.

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have you ever had someone who have liked you, stopped, then coming back for you?


well this is about Ken, Alex, and I.


Ken and I use to have feelings for each other...but I was in a relationship with another guy and he thought it'd ruin my relationship with him so he said hes confused. I broke up with my other bf because he was..truly a bad bf, so I told ken. then he was super confused and I sent a text to him, telling him we werent going anywhere and we should just stop before it hurts more. he said, "Im so srry..." you don't know HOWWWW much this hurted me because I liked him so much..but he never gave me an answer..so I took it off and ended it.


after 2 months, I met someone else and got with him, ALEX, for around 1 week now.


and we've never talked since..of today.




Ken IM'ed me out of nowhere and we had a conversation about our past relationship...and he asked us if we still had a chance. I told him he never gave US a chance before. and he said..karma is on me. and I said.., "take a chance at love, hearts are broken because of words left unspoken" and..we talked a little more about our past and he kept apologizing, and wished me and Alex to last a long time, and then, ask me again, " honestly, do you think we have a second chance?" and I said, "yes"


omg..he JUST texted me and said :

Jen its okay. I dont want u to think about me anymore. we prolly juss gonna be friends now and prolly nuttin more later...just...I hope u and alex will last. dont have second thoughts about him because of me. i've lost my chance so I gottuh learn it the hard way. dont give me another chance. agn, im sorry. I dont want u to get hurt at all. delete this msg after u read it. I dont want to bring us up again. bye Jen...



what should I do?? I'm so lost..please..thanks everyone who takes their time on this.

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What should you do? absolutely nothing! If you like alex, give him a chance to see how things turn out with him. Ken is a timewaster, he messed you about first time, found out you had someone new then wanted you back, when you said yes, he didnt want to know again! sounds like he likes the chase. Dont let him mess you about and spoil things with your new guy. just move on and forget about him and good luck to the next girl he messes around! I reckon he just wants to play the field.

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