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I wanna help a friend, but I need some advice

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Hi there everyone hows it going¿ A buddie of mine has met this girl, a while ago. We live in Toronto and she lives in Thunderbay (in Ontario Canada). She was introduced to him by her cousin who lives here in which her cousin is friends with him. She comes and goes every now and then (to visit her cousin). He has kinda falled for her, since she seems to be the type of girl that my girlfriend is. Me and my girlfriend have been together for about 5 years. So since grade 7, now we are in grade 12. Now my friend doesnt drive at all, but my girlfriend and I drive. I own a tuned/fixed- up GMC Jimmy. Now my buddie wants us to go on a roadtrip to Thunderbay to hook up with the girl, but the final dissision is on me if we go or not since I am the only one with a vehicle. So on the trip it would be me my girldfriend my buddie and another buddie of ours. Now my question is do I take him to Thunderbay and risk him getting his heart broken or not like is it worth us going there for a girl? What should I do?

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If YOU want to go to thunderbay then go, and have fun, but if it doesn't feel "right" for YOU then don't go, just get busy and do something else.. but don't change plans because your friend might get his feelings hurt, like RC said, you can not "live his life" for him.. but you can live your own and if you really want to go then go, if not, don't. Make your choice based on you.


Your buddy will fine either way.. heck, it won't be the first time he gets disappointed by a girl, and the fact is she might NOT disappoint him.. but all in all it can be a nice lesson for him either way...so if you want to be his friend and go on this adventure with him, just be "there" for him no matter what the outcome may be.

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