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2nd round

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Ok, here is the deal. Me and my gf have been having sex on a more regular basis now. When we do it, it is great, but the problem is, I have not yet learned how to go for more then one round. I mean, after I have my first orgasm, that is it for me, show is over, "minime" is down for the count. So, I am looking for advice, how can I make it easier to be able to go for another round or 2? I have learned to make myself last a long time before getting off that first time (30-45minutes usually), and getting my gf off is not an issue, it is just that I want to be able to get it back up again and keep going, I want the penetration part of sex to go longer for us. We typically have sex once about every 2 weeks because of our schedule, and because she needs time to get used to us making love because she was a virgin before me and wants to take it slow. Anyways, any advice would help, thnx.

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Leave as much time between orgasms as you reasonably can. You kind of need to know a minimum time before you can go again. For some guys it is 5 minutes, others maybe an hour or so. Still others could take multiple hours. If you have a really long refractory period, I am not sure how much exercise etc will help. I use pde-5 inhibitors (l-arginine is good otc at appreciable doses). They definitely shorten refractory period.


I have also found that using devices to produce an erection works well (I use a masturbation sleeve for example). If you can get it up in ANY way, just get it in her then it will likely be easyish to maintain by thrusting. Make sure she does everything she can to stimulate you afterwards (blowjob, hand work etc) to help you get another.


Since you have lots of time on your own, you should work on this alone. Learn how to make it happen again sooner though masturbation. Pretty much use whatever stimulus you need to get it going. Don't discount vibrators or other toys, porn, music, household props, etc. You will have to work harder but it is very doable. And realize your own limitations. Some people (me included) usually just can't get it up after 5-10 minutes. Longer is needed. So take breaks with your girl and do multiple mini sessions throughout the day etc.


I know with somewhat crappy testosterone levels and only moderate bloodflow I can get it up with a sleeve four times in a night alone. Once it gets hard enough that way, just insert! All you need to make a good sleeve work for you is a tiny bit of bloodflow and a short sleeve. Works wonders.

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