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I think I've lost a very close friend

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I've been good friends with this girl since pretty much my whole life, but ever since about mid-last year, we became even closer.....


yet now, i feel like she's been avoiding me, ever since about easter this year..... its difficult to call her, because her parents are always on the phone, and she doesn't reply to her emails, or even a letter which i sent her...... yet she used to almost every day.....


i did really like her at one stage, and told her about my feelings (for a second time) in april, and she said she didnt like me back, and i was fine and that, but now i feel like she doesn't want to associate with me..... ive just found out that she's started a new email --- I dont know how long she's had it for--...... is she avoiding me? does she find me annoying? i can only hope that it is a simple mistake, like she forgotten.... but I must be honest ... the chances of that are minimal....


so what should I do? give up? forget her? but i don't want to completely lose our friendship, and it appears thats what's happening.... or should I email her, but then what should I say??? I just don't know what to do! Some advice would be greatly appreciated.......



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, you sound like you really miss your friend's company. Try not to be sad about it. Be brave, things will work out. See if you can talk to her about what's bothering you about your friendship. Don't forget her. Good friendships take work and all have their ups and downs, but in the end you'll be more than satisfied that you've kept on with your friendship. Have faith in your friend and try not to get down on yourself.

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