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punishment payback

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the girl ive been dating just recently got back from a trip to see her ex-boyfriend. she knew how i felt about her going but she still wnt.when she returned i asked her what went on.she she said that she only hung out with him. went out to some shops resturants but it wasnt anything physcal involving them having sex. and yet she shows me some new sex toys that he got her as a gift. now i have a good reason not to believe her that she wasnt in bed with him. but she still says she never had sex with him and says she only hugged him a few times and kissed. she took off three days from work to travel to be with him. i feel hurt she would do this to me. and i feel like punishing her for being such a . i still want to continue seeing her but im just afraid if i do she will keep doing this. how do i confront her about it and make her understand that just aint right

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Well, it's a little late now. As one of my favorite sayings goes, "Even the Almighty God cannot change the past."


So, you have a decision to make....can you get past her trip and what may or may not have happened while she was away (for your own peace of mind as much as hers....and assuming she's not going to make a habit of doing things like this)?


If you cannot express your hurt/angry feelings about it and let it go, you may be better off ending the relationship right now. Why stick around if it's only going to get ugly with you finding ways to "punish" her for something she cannot change until either she or you is fed up with that never-ending game.


Dunno about you, but personally, I have a really hard time living with myself if I stick around someone who continually makes me want to behave like a horse's behind.


Oh, one other thing...was this trip planned before you started seeing her? If so, I'd say you're on shaky ground with this wanting to punish her/being pissed off thing. Back when I was single, I started dating a guy in late January...well, he was seeing several other women and before he met me he had planned to take a trip with one of them in early February. While I was interested in him, and I wasn't too keen on him taking that trip, I did have to acknowledge that those plans were made before I entered the picture and it really wasn't fair for me to insist he cancel them just because I happened along. So, he took the trip and I never asked about what happened and he didn't tell me. I ended up having a relationship with him for about 2 years, even with that shaky start. Honestly, it wasn't the greatest relationship, and in retrospect I probably should've bailed at some point shortly after he returned from that trip.


I know what I'd do now if I had it to do over again.

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If you break up with her, that would be a pretty harsh punishment!


her ex bought her a sex toy.... they spent the night together on a trip to see HIM. And she admits to kissing him.... I think its pretty obvious that she cheated on you, but if you dont think so, if she goes on anymore "trips" i would defintly break it off instantly....

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