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Hmmmmmm just wondering?

Lady Bugg

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I guess this question is more for the guys....what the Hay...whoever answers is fine with me!!!


How important is a womans appearance to OTHER people to you?

Is it important that OTHER people find them attractive or "hot"?


Say if you introduced a woman to a friend..and he said" WOW she's HOT"

Would THAT influence your decision about her in any way??


Sorry if this seems like a shallow question...just curious....

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Sure... as a guy, if a friend says "wow, you are lucky" , or "wow, she is hot" or whatever... it kind of re-inforces your choice. However, at one point when I was younger I was interested in this girl and my friend was like "what, she ain't all that great" and it didn't change the fact that I wanted to pursue her.

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Of course it feels good if someone compliments your partner, or someone you are interested in..... However, I don't think it would make or break my decision to be with them.... I've had a female friend defintly tell me one time that I could be with someone that looked better, and I just laughed at them and told them that they "Just don't get it"


I hate when people judge others physically and say things like " can do better".... Especially when they don't even KNOW the person!!!!

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I could care less what people think about the way my wife looks. I am the one married to her, not them, so it matters little to me what other people think.


If a friend were to tell me my wife was beautiful, I would take that as a compliment towards her.


If a friend were to tell me she was hot, I would be slightly offended at that particular choice of word, but that's me.


Either way, it doesn't influence the way I view my wife. I don't need other people to validate my feelings for her.

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I think it could subconsciously. Guys just don't judge appearance like you ladies do. It either looks good or it doesn't. We don't get into the details of why and how that often. I think it is somewhat important for others to find you attractive, in the sense that you are attractive. If you are fat, lazy, and wear crappy clothes, I see someone who doesn't care about themself and that is the unattractiveness. Not the screwability of the person, so to speak. If one of my friends thought you were "hot", then that is pretty much a given for 9/10 males when polled arbitrarily.

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If my guy friends tell me a girl I am with is hot, yes it makes you feel good but if she is not good looking inside or does not treat me right then I will still not be with her...


Anyone, man or woman hearing that their choice in gf/bf is good of course it will make them feel good and it will influence some people in their decision...


Is this dealing with you Lady Bugg???


I am sure if my friends saw us together they would give their approval...

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