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he is alluding to suicide

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i have described the drama of my affair-turned-into-relationship in past posts .


he has texted me nothing but angry manipulative messages about "how could i leave him and his son" "how could I do this to his son." "his son is confused and wants me there." No texts to take any responsibility for his part in any of this, etc. just anger.


I maintained NC for 48 hours until he texted "I am really in bad shape and need you right now." and then five minutes later "Forget it, I am done with this life."


I texted back "I care about you and love you but I am hurting too and have nothing to give right now."


Haven't heard from him in 3 hours. Not sure what to do here... he is playing manipulating games but I can't ignore the threat of harming himself, can I? I feel caught in a bind.

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My gut instinct says he's playing some sick game to keep you on those strings.


Wait til tomorrow. He'll be back, with more begging. x

Quoted for truth here ^


He'll do anything to keep you, including threat of suicide. I very much doubt he'll do anything, as killing himself would remove you from him. He sounds much to narsicistic to end his life.

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This guy is crazy!


I think you should change your number!! Disconnect it and get rid of it, this guy is bad news, all his doing is creating more stress for you, he is playing sick mind games. Its disgusting!


You know its manipluative, you said it yourself, so what are you waiting for? You gotta be strong, trust me.


My ex did this to me, he got girls to call me and harass me, they would say they had video footage of me doing sexual stuff, they said things about my ex and how he was going to get guys to rape me etc. He also said that he was going to kill himself and all these other stupid things. I was so scared.


These people would come to my house and torment me, they would toy with my feelings and my head.


Once I changed my number they couldnt reach me personally, so they would call the house number. Eventually my dad had enough and called the police.


Bottom line, Change your number NOW before it gets really messed up like what happened with me.

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